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People Are Mind Blown By Wine Glass That Holds An Entire Bottle

People Are Mind Blown By Wine Glass That Holds An Entire Bottle

We need one ASAP!

Social media has been left in a state of shock after witnessing something many people thought was impossible - a simple glass that's able to hold and entire bottle of wine.

See for yourself in the video below:

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. TikTok user Greg Oreo, who posts under the handle @gregoreo2, shared his impressive glass online and the clip has received a whopping six million viewers.

“my friends bought me a wine glass that’s supposed to hold a whole bottle of wine… let’s see if it works," he says in the video before pouring a glass of white wine.

Greg has not revealed where his friends bought the class, it was a gift after all, but social media users are searching far and wide to find their own.

The glass managed to hold the entire bottle of wine (

One woman tagged her friend and joked: “Well I know what you’re getting for your birthday this year.”

While another social media user told their friend: “I feel this is the perfect glass for your wedding day, looks classy so no one will suspect!!”

A third said: “When I say I’m only having one glass of wine lol”.

A fourth chimed in with: “I need this glass in my life.”

One commenter quipped: “Only one glass a day”

While someone else theorised “it's not that the glasses are getting bigger..... the bottles are getting smaller.”

TikTok is always a great place to find food and drink hacks and a woman on the video sharing app has shared a clever hack to keep your avocado fresh - and it's a must try!

TikToker @allthingsbg revealed a super easy way to stop the fruit turning brown and mushy overnight.

Watch the video below:

One commenter said: "Heck yeah! Those things are too expensive to going to waste!"

While another said: "This is a must try."

And a third added: "I gotta try it."

We're definitely having wine and avocado today!

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

Topics: Food and Drink, TikTok