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Fans spot detail in Bridgerton clothing that could be subtle nod to character

Fans spot detail in Bridgerton clothing that could be subtle nod to character

Netflix viewers are sharing their fan theories on the 'weird' detail

Hawk-eyed fans have spotted a tiny detail in the cast of Bridgerton's clothing that could be a subtle reference to a pretty major character.

Netflix viewers have been going wild for the latest instalment of the Regency era drama series but die-hard fans who have recently watched the first two seasons will know all about the recurring symbolism of a flying insect.

Now, for context, the last episode of the show’s first season shows a camera lingering on a bee - a shot quite similar to the very first episode that shows a bee on the door-knocker of the Bridgerton family home.

Anyone who has read the books of the same name by Julia Quinn will already be well aware that a bee is what caused the death of the Bridgerton patriarch and husband of Lady Violet, Lord Edmund Bridgerton, who died from anaphylactic shock after being stung by one.

Throughout the TV show, fans have noticed bees dotted about on some of the cast member's costumes and some have taken to social media to share their thoughts on what they reckon could be a subtle nod to Lord Edmund.

One fan found it 'odd' that the Bridgerton family wears clothing with bees on them. (Netflix)
One fan found it 'odd' that the Bridgerton family wears clothing with bees on them. (Netflix)

One fan took to Reddit, asking: "Is it a bit odd that the Bridgertons wear clothes embroidered with bumblebees on?"

A second Reddit user shared their theory on the clothing detail, wondering: "I think they wear clothes with bumblebees to represent that Edmund will always be with them even though he passed away."

The theory seemed to prompt quite the response online with many rushing in to give their verdict on the matter.

"I can see that," wrote one. "But Anthony is very much afraid of bees. It's like sewing clowns to your t*tties and then spending all day with your clown-phobic brother (also a clown killed your Dad)."

Fans reckon the bees are a nod to Lord Edmund Bridgerton. (Netflix)
Fans reckon the bees are a nod to Lord Edmund Bridgerton. (Netflix)

Another echoed: "That's like wearing clothes with a bear on them if my father was killed by a bear, or cars on them, if my dad was killed in a car accident."

"I always thought it was a bit odd too," admitted a third. "I remember in the first season when I first noticed Benedict had bumblebees on his waistcoat - I was convinced that this was foreshadowing that he was going to get killed off. (Very glad I was wrong though!)"

A fourth speculated: "It is a bit odd but we have to take into account that bees were one of the symbols of high nobility. Also, bee = B = Bridgerton."

"I had no idea! I wondered why they always sneak in bees," a fifth replied before a sixth chimed in: "I mean I’m not sure the show knows haha but if they do it’s a nice touch. It’s been held as a symbol of power on and off since the Egyptians.

"In Europe it was used in heraldry at least by Napoleon and the Roman house of Barberini."

They continued: "To be honest I think it could be just that Shondaland likes the bee because it’s cute, but at the very least there might be a connection between the bee and the B."

Well, whatever it is, it's clear fans have been absolutely loving this season so far and simply cannot wait for the second part to drop next month (13 June)

Bridgerton season 3 part one is currently available to stream on Netflix.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Bridgerton, Fashion, Netflix, Reddit, TV And Film, Period Drama