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The devil works hard but the marketing team for Barbie works harder and Barbie-fever has well and truly hit the globe thanks to Greta Gerwig's take on the iconic doll.

Whether you've seen the movie yet or not, it’s been pretty impossible to dodge Barbie in recent weeks - thanks in part to Margot Robbie and her incredible Barbie-inspired wardrobe.

But while we know that ‘She’s everything’, co-star Ryan Gosling is ‘Just Ken’.

The slogan appeared on posters for the flick and immediately became a new meme format - but as well as a tagline and a meme, ‘I’m Just Ken’ is also a song in the movie, sung by none other than Gosling himself.

Ryan Gosling stars as Ken alongside Margot Robbie's Barbie.
Warner Bros

Mark Ronson was snapped up to be executive producer for Barbie’s soundtrack, with the seven-Grammy-award winner writing 'I’m Just Ken'.

He told Vanity Fair: “You really fall in love with this hapless, but immediately sympathetic figure.

“I instantly had this idea for this lyric: ‘I’m just Ken / Anywhere else I’d be a 10.’

“It just seemed funny. It felt a little bit emo, like, this poor guy. He’s so hot, but can’t get the time of day.”

With the lyrics in the bag, it was Gosling's turn to step up and provide the vocals - and it’s fair to say that Ronson was seriously impressed.

"He really got [that] it had to walk this line of not being funny or parody,” Ronson said.

“But obviously, the song is also kind of ridiculous at times. So he was really amazing, and when he really did start hitting the big notes, I was like, ‘this dude is a vocal powerhouse!’”

Gosling sung 'I’m Just Ken' in the movie.
Warner Bros Pictures

Of course, fans of the star may remember that Gosling is no stranger to showing off his vocal skills.

He began his showbiz career at just 13 as an all-singing, all-dancing Mouseketeer on The Mickey Mouse Club - alongside fellow future A-listers Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.

And, more recently, he sang 'City of Stars' and 'A Lovely Night' in the 2016 Oscar-nominated musical La La Land alongside his co-star Emma Stone.

Gosling is already facing calls for an Oscar nomination for his role as Ken, with one reviewer saying: "Give Ryan Gosling an Oscar nomination, I'm dead serious!"

While another wrote: "He should honestly be nominated for an Oscar".

And how about an Academy Award for Best Original Song to go with it?

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Barbie, Ryan Gosling, TV And Film, Celebrity