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Mum-of-22 Sue Radford goes on explosive rant after trolls accuse her of using taxpayers money for holidays

Mum-of-22 Sue Radford goes on explosive rant after trolls accuse her of using taxpayers money for holidays

Sue took to Instagram to vent about the nasty trolling she has received

Mum-of-22 Sue Radford has spoken out after social media trolls accused her of using 'the taxpayer's money' to go on holiday.

The 22 Kids & Counting star took to her Instagram Stories where she spoke out about a nasty comment she received online, in which one follower called her 'a disease'.

The Radford family consists of mum Sue, dad Noel, and their 22 children - Chris, 34, Sophie, 30, Chloe, 28, Jack, 27, Daniel, 25, Luke, 23, Millie, 22, Katie, 21, James, 20, Ellie, 18, Aimee, 17, Josh, 16, Max, 15, Tillie, 13, Oscar, 12, Casper, 11, Hallie, eight, Phoebe, seven, Archie, six, Bonnie, five and Heidi, four.

Sue and Noel, who rose to fame through their Channel 5 show, often share insights into their unique and incredibly large family online, including their holidays.

Just this week, Sue, 49 and Noel, 53 - along with some of their children - headed off on a UK mini-break, showing off their travels on Instagram.

On one of the images, Sue shared a screengrab of a message sent by one troll, who called her a 'disease' and then accused her of paying for her holiday via 'the taxpayer'.

Sue and Noel with some of their kids in Disneyworld. (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)
Sue and Noel with some of their kids in Disneyworld. (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)

Sue hit back, writing on her Stories: "I wonder if Adam is a high rate taxpayer? Or even if Adam pays tax at all? Maybe he's a bit pi**ed he doesn't own a motorhome?

"Tbh I would be too as we b****y love it, all paid for with our hard earned high tax payers money... just saying."

Sue later added: "Sorry I've stewed on this since yesterday and it's wound me up more than it should because well you can probably guess why when you are a high rate taxpayer.

"Can he clarify if he's a high rate taxpayer X2? Bet he can't? Sick of messages like this s**t as you need to educate yourself before messaging this s**t as I won't tolerate it anymore."

Sue spoke out about what had happened (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)
Sue spoke out about what had happened (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)

Sue continued: "Is a high rate taxpayer not the most taxpayer? Just saying Adam. Jeeze, can't cope with IDIOTS. Hope this clarifies it.

"Anyway off to bed now as we've lots more holidays coming up that I'm sure Adam will not approve of.

"But wait for it all paid for with our money that I'm sure ADAM won't approve of but oh well we will be sure so make the best memories. Make sure you check in Adam which I'm sure you will!!!!"

Sue had had enough of the trolls (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)
Sue had had enough of the trolls (Instagram/@theradfordfamily)

Followers were quick to support Sue, with many encouraging her to 'name and shame' more trolls.

"I will never understand why people who clearly don't like a person will unhealthily stalk every single thing that they do. It's actually really sad," Sue responded.

"You definitely have to feel a little sorry for them because they are clearly extremely unhappy with their lives which is so sad."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/RadfordFamily/Instagram/theradfordfamily

Topics: Celebrity, Parenting, TV And Film, Sue Radford