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Cameron Diaz says married couples sleeping in separate rooms should be 'normalised'

Cameron Diaz says married couples sleeping in separate rooms should be 'normalised'

The Shrek actress is encouraging the controversial sleeping arrangement

Whilst the vast majority of big-name stars prefer to keep a lid on the ins and outs of their love life, Cameron Diaz is this week breaking all celeb conventions.

Speaking on the Molly Sims podcast, the Hollywood legend has called for the idea of married couples sleeping in separate beds to be 'normalised'.

Chatting about what she considers to be a healthy lifestyle, the 51-year-old Charlie's Angels star admitted she was aware that her take on relationship customs is somewhat 'controversial'.

But she believes it could be the making of a long and happy marriage.

"We should normalise separate bedrooms," Diaz said during her catch-up with Sims and co-host Emese Gormley.

"To me, I would literally, I have my house, you have yours," she continued. "We have the family house in the middle.

Cameron Diaz insisted that she and husband Benji don't yet have separate bedrooms, but isn't opposed to the idea.
Donato Sardella/Getty Images for REVOLVE

"I will go and sleep in my room. You go sleep in your room. I'm fine. And we have the bedroom in the middle that we can convene in for our relations."

The mother-of-one went on to emphasise, however, that this is NOT a practice that she and rockstar husband Benji Madden have put into place just yet.

The couple tied the knot back in 2015 after the Shrek actress was introduced to Good Charlotte singer Madden by on-screen socialite Nicole Ritchie, who herself is married to his twin brother Joel Madden.

Five years later in 2020, the happy couple welcomed their first child, daughter Raddix.

The couple share one daughter together.
Noel Vasquez/GC Images

"By the way, I don't feel that way now because my husband is so wonderful," Diaz insisted on the podcast. "I said that before I got married."

This isn't the first time that Diaz has surprised her fans with her unexpected yet immensely refreshing honesty.

The silver screen siren - who retired from acting back in 2018 with the hope of focussing on her family - last week revealed one, rather questionable - and arguably unhygienic - beauty hack that she says has kept her looking young throughout her years in the spotlight.

Diaz shocked her fans after admitting that she NEVER washes her face, and purposefully skips out on the morning cleanse many of us have been incorporating into our routines for years now.

Diaz recently admitted she doesn't ever wash her face.
Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

She came clean about her skincare hack on Michelle Visage’s podcast Rule Breakers, telling the listeners that she isn’t in a ‘place’ where she worries about beautifying hacks.

"I don't care. Literally, the last thing I think about on a daily basis," she admitted joyfully.

"I literally do nothing. I like never wash my face…. Twice a month, if I'm lucky, I'll be like, 'Oh, I better put this on. One time works, right?'

"It's just a different time in my life now," she told the audience, adding: "Now, I'm here, and this is the most fulfilling thing that I've ever done in my life...It's just completely the best thing."

Featured Image Credit: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images/Donato Sardella/Getty Images for REVOLVE

Topics: Celebrity, TV And Film, Sex and Relationships

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