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Brian Dowling shares heartwarming tribute to his sister after she acted as his surrogate

Brian Dowling shares heartwarming tribute to his sister after she acted as his surrogate

Congratulations to the whole family!

Irish presenter and Big Brother star Brian Dowling has paid tribute to his sister, who acted as surrogate for his baby daughter who was born this week.

Brian and husband Arthur Gourounlian welcomed their 'beautiful daughter' Blake on Thursday, taking to social media to announce the happy news.

Brian then shared a second post which he declared to be an 'appreciation post' for his sister, Aoife Dowling, who he described as 'their queen'.

Brian and husband Arthur Gourounlian welcomed their 'beautiful daughter' Blake on Thursday.

"Please be upstanding for the arrival of our BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER Blake Maria Rose Dowling Gourounlian. Yes people another BDG.

"Blake was delivered safely on Thursday September 1st at 14:52pm weighting 7lb 4ozs. We @gourounlian are ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY IN LOVE with her & can’t believe she’s here & is ours."

Speaking about Aoife, Brian added: “You are an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE HUMAN. From our first jokingly conversations about this back in 2015 when you moved in with us in London, to our more serious chats about it in January 2021 in the middle of the pandemic when we would go on our daily walks.

“This has been in the works for YEARS. But everything happens when it’s supposed to and for us, everything really clicked. Your dedication and focus has been out of this world. You have also put yourself out there publicly for everyone to voice their opinions about this & you never faltered."

He added: “You glided through your pregnancy with such joy and elegance, and overcame obstacles in your way medically or otherwise. Just when we thought we couldn’t be in awe of you anymore, you handled our delivery day last Thursday, September 1, like a BOSS.

"I’m here writing this actually thinking you need a medal or indeed be knighted. I think Dame Aoife Dowling has a FABULOUS ring to it. Seeing you hold Blake for the first time was so emotional for all of us.

"We know her because of you, because of all the time we spent together.

The couple also thanked their donor.

“You aren’t just my sister or Arthur’s sister-in-law, you are AN ANGEL and also our BEST FRIEND. You DESERVE the WORLD AND EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE.


Brian also thanked his and Arthur's donor, adding: "None of this would have been possible without our donor, a woman we have never met or even seen a picture of but has given us the GIFT OF LIFE."

Congratulations to all the family!

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@bprdowling

Topics: Celebrity, Parenting