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Maya Jama ‘to replace Laura Whitmore as host of Love Island’

Maya Jama ‘to replace Laura Whitmore as host of Love Island’

ITV has yet to officially announce the new host after Laura Whitmore stepped down, but a source said Maya Jama is set to replace her

Maya Jama is tipped to replace Laura Whitmore as the host of Love Island, the Sun reports.

Last month, Whitmore announced she was stepping down from hosting the show, saying there were elements she simply found too 'difficult' to continue with, including travel commitments.

ITV has yet to officially announce the new host of the hugely popular reality series, but an ITV source said the channel was 'finalising' an agreement with Jama.

They told The Sun: “Maya was ITV’s dream option.

“She is fun, beautiful and a brilliant presenter.

Maya Jama is said to be ITV's 'dream' choice.

“She was discussed as a possible replacement for Caroline two years ago - but now the time is right.

“They think she’ll make the show her own and carry on from where Caroline left off.

“They’re just in the process of finalising the last few details - but barring any huge surprises she will be announced formally very soon."

The source added that execs were just dotting the Is and crossing the Ts.

An ITV spokeswoman said: “Our new host will be announced in due course.”

Whitmore announced she would no longer be hosting Love Island in a message to fans on Instagram, saying she had only ever intended to 'fill in' for former host Caroline Flack - who presented the show until 2019, before her death in 2020.

Sharing the news on Instagram, Whitmore wrote: "Some news! I won’t be hosting the next series of Love Island.

"There are certain elements of the show I’ve found very difficult that cannot be changed, some due to the format, including the flying back and forth to South Africa along with my new conflicting projects.

"I wish it was still possible but know you’ll be in safe hands. I was only planning to fill in for Caroline for a series and it turned into three series."

She added: "I hope I did you proud, Caroline."

ITV said it would continue to work with the presenter on other projects, and that it was 'grateful' for her input to the dating show, which she has presented since January 2020.

The channel said in a statement: "Laura has been a fantastic host across the last three series of the show. We are so grateful for everything she has brought to the programme but understand and respect her decision, and we look forward to working with her on upcoming ITV projects."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@mayajama/Uwe Deffner/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Love Island, Maya Jama, Celebrity

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