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The Green Planet: David Attenborough's New Nature Documentary Airs On Sunday 9th January

The Green Planet: David Attenborough's New Nature Documentary Airs On Sunday 9th January

David Attenborough is back this Sunday with a new documentary.

Sir David Attenborough is back with a brand new nature documentary airing on BBC One this Sunday.

The Green Planet is a documentary series which will have five installments. The first is titled Tropical Worlds and will air on Sunday.

The first episode will explore the giant trees in rainforests and the disasters that unfold when one of the giant trees falls.

Luckily, many other species are able to use the space, with the wet and humid location serving as a wonderful location for new life.

The official synopsis states that there are “more kinds of plants crammed together in the tropical rainforests than anywhere else on Earth”.

Not only does this diversity create astonishing beauty and gorgeous natural views, it also creates a battleground amongst the plants.

New filming techniques have been used to capture the world from a plant’s perspective and on their own timescale.

Viewers will get to see everything from fast-growing trees to flowers that mimic dead animals.

In fact The Green Planet is all about the lives of planets across the world and will largely explore how they compete for light and try to attract pollinators and ward off predators in environments ranging from the tropics in South America to the Arctic.

The Green Planet is all about plants (

The BBC said The Green Planet “will be the first immersive portrayal of an unseen, interconnected world.”

Attenborough, 95, said he felt it was important to make the documentary series now because people’s attitudes towards plants has changed dramatically during his lifetime.

He said: “There has been a revolution worldwide in attitudes towards the natural world in my lifetime. An awakening and an awareness of how important the natural world is to us all. An awareness that we would starve without plants, we wouldn't be able to breathe without plants.”

Attenborough said the world's relationship with plants has changed (

He added: “The world depends on plants. It's a cliché now, every breath of air we take, and every mouthful of food we eat, depends upon plants.

"I also think that being shut up and confined to one's garden, if one is lucky enough to have a garden, and if not, to having plants sitting on a shelf, has changed people's perspective.”

The Green Planet begins on Sunday 9th January at 7pm.

Featured Image Credit: BBC

Topics: TV And Film, BBC, Environment