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A woman attempted to dodge an airline's baggage charge by wearing six kilos worth of luggage - Friends style.

Fans of the sitcom will remember the time that Joey piled on all of Chandler's clothes as revenge for him taking all of his underwear.

Similarly, Adriana Ocampo took a page out of Joey's book by wearing almost six kilograms of clothing to escape the fine.

The 19-year-old - who wore 15 garments including t-shirts, jackets, jumpers and trousers - was travelling with airline Jetstar from Melbourne to her home in Adelaide, Australia.

Adriana Ocampo's bag was over the luggage limit.
Kennedy News and Media

After realising that her baggage, which weighed at 12.5kg, was over the limit, she flung open her case and piled on as many items of clothing as possible.

And her mate, Emily Altamura, followed suit as her case was also over.

The video shows the pair in stitches while attempting to whack on as many clothes as possible.

As hilarious as it may have been, it did not work, however.

The friends say they admitted defeat and claim to have both stumped the $65 fine.

Joey would be proud.
Kennedy News and Media

Adriana said: "I was in my hotel room and could barely close my luggage and I knew my bag was somewhat over the limit.

"When we went to board, we saw them pulling out a trolley with a scale.

"We thought the only way we can take the weight off our bags is if we put it on ourselves so we started putting on our jackets and coats but we were still over the limit.

"They said the fine was $65 and we didn't feel like spending $65 so we went back and put more clothes on.

"I looked like a bear. I'm small and petite and I looked the complete opposite. It reminded me of the boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [Augustus Gloop]."

Look similar to you?

She continued: "I was hysterical, I was laughing so much.

"As well as layers of jackets and jumpers, I had baggy trousers on and I was stuffing t-shirts and my iPad in them. I had about six layers on and stuff in my pockets.

"I only had a couple of things left in my luggage like two pairs of shoes, a bag, a pair of jeans and a couple of socks. We went over again and were the only people at the gate.

"They said we had to get rid of the stuff on our bodies and we had to pay.

"Everyone in line was staring at us and laughing at us, it was kind of embarrassing. People were annoyed that we were holding the plane up."

However, she hadn't faced this dilemma on the way to Melbourne as she had taken a bus there, so hadn't needed to weigh her case - though her mistake left her 'sweating' on the flight home.

Adriana said she was hysterical while trying to put the clothes on.
Kennedy News and Media

"I caught the bus to Melbourne and knew my bag was somewhat over the limit.

"I've travelled with the airline before and not really had an issue with the weight." she said.

A Jetstar Airways spokesman said: "While we certainly see the funny side, we have limits to carry-on to make it fair for everyone.

"Keeping track of how much baggage passengers bring onboard means everyone has room for their belongings and we're meeting our safety requirements."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Travel, Australia