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Woman 'Dumped Partner' After Scrolling Through His Phone

Woman 'Dumped Partner' After Scrolling Through His Phone


A woman dumped her partner after scrolling through his phone and finding some very incriminating messages.

Tori - who goes by the name of @self.timer.tori on TikTok - took to the video sharing platform to explain she had been on her partner's phone when she had discovered something rather alarming.

You can watch the video below:

"What's more embarrassing and honestly heart-breaking then going through your mans phone to find out he's cheating on you?" She asked, before revealing what she had found.

And followers took to the comment section in sympathy, with one person writing: "The embarrassment alone would make me break up with him."

While another said: "It would give the ick immediately and I’d no longer be sad."

And a third added: "But they still have the AUDACITY to treat us badly."

Meanwhile a fourth wrote: "Genuinely HUMILIATING! We all need to higher our standards."

The woman was shocked at the messages (

Others shared their own stories of similar heartache, with one adding: "My ex drove HOURS away to meet the 'love of his life' and she stood him up."

And another said: "Girl I was fighting for a spot that NOBODY wanted."

And a third commented: "This was my ex husband. He tried sooo hard. One girl responded to him 'bro, look at your wife and then look in the mirror'. We’re friends now."

"My ex husband. And all he managed to get were scammers. Fell for it THREE TIMES," added a fourth.

And a fifth wrote: "I knew my ex’s FB password for months watching him get rejected every night through messenger. I got over him while with him then ended it."

The woman explained she was mortified (

Meanwhile a sixth shared: "When you realise everything special and fun about him was literally JUST YOU THE WHOLE TIME."

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok

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