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Woman divorcing her husband after he admitted he found her 'repulsive' the first time they had sex

Woman divorcing her husband after he admitted he found her 'repulsive' the first time they had sex

The husband made the confession while he was drunk.

A woman has revealed she is divorcing her husband after he said he found her 'repulsive' the first time they had sex.

Two years into their marriage, the husband apparently confessed that he 'stuck it out' so he could get to know her properly.

Speaking about the revelation on Reddit, the anonymous woman said she was heartbroken over the news, recalling that her husband had gone on a work trip after they first slept together and 'wasn't available for three weeks'.

She ended up asking him if he'd been lying about the trip and was horrified when her husband admitted he had intended to ditch her - but 'something strong' made him get in touch again and that 'he was lucky he did because I turned out to be the love of his life'.

The husband said he found her 'repulsive' the first time they had sex.
Andor Bujdoso/Alamy Stock Photo

The woman says his admission is 'the most appalling thing I’ve ever heard' and now wants a divorce.

Despite sharing an 18-month-old son and a dog, the man has now moved out and the woman has booked a meeting with a divorce lawyer.

After the woman shared her story online, other Redditors were quick to offer their support, flooding the comments section and sharing their own experiences.

One wrote: "You caught the ick. A switch flipped inside your head and you can't see him the same way before. You know yourself best. You know what works for you. I'm sorry this is happening to you."

While another said: "You’re not overreacting and clearly this is something that would stick with you if you stayed in the relationship."

And a third commented: "That would hurt my feelings and could lead me to end a relationship. It’s just such a mean thing to say and I never want to be with someone who makes it seem like they settled."

Others, however, were divided; with many believing the woman should give her husband a second chance.

The woman has booked a meeting with a divorce lawyer.
Rolandas Misius/Alamy Stock Photo

One wrote: "This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think OP should give her husband a chance to elaborate on his specific choice of words before getting a divorce. Sometimes people slip up and use the wrong word."

Another commented: "I'd give him a chance. But I would want to know, 'so exactly what about me did you find repulsive?' And I wouldn't let up until I got an answer."

One suggested: "Have a talk, cry together, yell at him. Whatever you have to do but I hardly see this as a 'throw away the husband and everything you've ever worked for' scenario."

What would you do?

Featured Image Credit: Andor Bujdoso/Alamy Stock Photo Prostock-studio/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Sex and Relationships