We love a wedding: celebrating the happy couple, posing for photos, making fools at ourselves on the dance floor – we just get caught up on the good vibes of the day.
But it turns out if we can stop downing the free prosecco for just one minute and actually pay attention to the smaller details of what’s going on, we can predict whether these nuptials will go the distance.
TikToker and photographer Shayla Herrington revealed the three tips she learned from a senior wedding photographer that will reveal whether the newly wedded couple will last… and it’s certainly an intriguing theory.
“This photographer has been in the industry for 10 to 15 years, so I was really interested to hear their theory on this,” Shayla explained.
The first big sign, according to Shayla, is when the newly married husband or wife will take more than three photos with family members without the other spouse.
“This one kind of makes sense to me,” Shayla said. “You might get a few alone with your mum and dad, but to kick them out of three photos seems more than a little suspicious.”

The second major clue that may point towards an early divorce is when the bridesmaids, or the groomsmen avoid talking about the spouse when they’re getting ready or doing toasts.
“That’s typically because they don’t like them,” Shayla added bluntly.
The third indicator that a split may be on the cards is when one of the spouses will spend more time with friends at the reception rather than with their new husband or wife.
And many people agreed with Shayna’s shared wisdom, taking to the comments to agree.
“Yep, my ex-husband didn’t spend time with me at the wedding and the groomsmen didn’t even say hi to me at all,” one woman wrote.

“My husband spent more time at the taco bar than with me at my wedding,” a second added.
“My ex-husband wanted to spend time with his brother on his wedding night and not me,” agreed a third.
Others suggested their own signs which suggested annulment.
“I heard another photographer say if a spouse smushes cake in the others’ face, it’s a good indication it won’t last as it’s rooted in humiliation,” said one person.
“A huge, expensive wedding is a big indicator,” a second person said. “Like they’re trying to put on a big show for everyone.
"They don’t care about their marriage.”
So now you know what to look out for the next time you attend a wedding. All you've got to decide it whether you tell the newlyweds the potentially bad news.
Topics: Wedding, Sex and Relationships