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Woman 'trapped in child's body' has started dating other men following controversy

Woman 'trapped in child's body' has started dating other men following controversy

Shauna Rae has been trying out matchmaking to find a new partner

A 23-year-old woman whose body looks like an 'eight-year-old' has started dating other men after a previous relationship sparked controversy with the public.

A new clip from the TLC series I Am Shauna Rae showed Shauna preparing for a date after previously making headlines due to her link with 26-year-old Dan Swygart.

Swygart was forced to defend himself from backlash after Shauna, who stands at just 3'10" due to treatment she received after being diagnosed with brain cancer as a child, said on her show that they'd been chatting.

Commenters argued there was 'something not right' with Swygart if he was dating Shauna, with one writing: "Yes, she is 23, but she looks and talks like an eight-year-old. She also does not act like a mature woman. She is childlike."

Swygart argued that people need to remember 'Shauna is an incredible 23-year-old woman who has a disability' and who 'just happens to be a little bit short', but ultimately the clip indicates he and Shauna aren't taking their relationship to the next step.

Shauna admitted she's 'anxious' to go on blind dates.

While on the hunt for a new man, Shauna explained on the show that online dating 'wasn't for' her, so she'd decided to give matchmaking a try instead.

A professional matchmaker found 'some great date options' for her, though she admitted she'd 'never been on a blind date' and found it 'scary' because she didn't know how people would react to her size.

"A lot of people are like 'oh you're like right up to my shoulders', [and] I'm like 'no I'm up to your groin'," she said.

Despite feeling 'anxious', Shauna got ready to go on her blind date only to learn that the guy had cancelled shortly before it was due to start.

After enjoying some time with her family instead, Shauna said she was 'still open to the matchmaking situation' as long as it proves more successful in the future.

Shauna has pituitary dwarfism.

The reality TV star previously told The New York Post she'd been able to 'spot someone who may not have the best intentions' when dating because they 'give themselves away'.

“Their questions are very targeted toward my physicality … They’re learning about me like I’m a specimen in a lab," she explained.

Shauna recalled how prospective partners have previously talked down to her as if she's a child, but she made clear she's 'intelligent' and remains confident on the kind of relationship she hopes to have.

“I tend to find guys that are just one-dimensional and don’t actually have any depth to the conversation," she said. "[A deeper connection] is what I’m looking for. I feel like: ‘If I can teach you something, you can teach me something’ — that’s what I look for in relationships.”

Featured Image Credit: TLC

Topics: TV And Film, Sex and Relationships