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Bumble Bans Man After He Sends Cruel Fat-Shaming Messages To Woman

Bumble Bans Man After He Sends Cruel Fat-Shaming Messages To Woman

The woman took to TikTok to share her story.

Bumble has banned one of its users after he sent cruel fat shaming comments to a woman using the app.

Sammi - aka @samid123420 - took to TikTok to share her story, revealing the upsetting comments she'd received from a man she had matched with on the app.

You can watch the video below:

In the video, Sammi explained how she messaged her match, only to be met with disgusting fat-shaming comments.

At the end of the clip, she told the camera: "I did report him but it has happened a few times where a guy will swipe right on fat girls to be mean to them and I think that is super fu**ed up.

"As someone who is learning to be comfortable in their skin it really did set me back a lot, like my whole day is ruined now I feel like, just because of him.

"I know I shouldn't let him ruin it but it is and I'm worried he's going to do it to someone else who's more vulnerable than me."

Sammi reported the incident to Bumble (

After Sammi had posted the video, Bumble commented, explaining they had now banned the user.

"Update everyone, he's been BLOCKED... As in BANNED from our app!"

Other users praised the app, with one person writing: "YES Bumble! Love this."

While another said: "Wow! Thanks for not standing for this type of behaviour."

And a third added: "This is why I loved @Bumble đŸ„°."

People were quick to support Sammi (

Others meanwhile, were quick to defend Sammi, with another user commenting: "Honey, I know how you feel. I hope it helps you to know that what he said is completely about him, not you. Hurt people hurt people."

And one wrote: "Why do blokes get off on doing this, literally can’t see how anyone would get satisfaction from matching with someone just to put them down?!"

"People just project their own insecurities to put others down," added another.

We couldn't have said it better ourselves!

If you have been affected by any of the content of this article, you can find support at Samaritans.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok