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Woman with four jobs begs for help after not being able to pay off £200,000 debt

Woman with four jobs begs for help after not being able to pay off £200,000 debt

Teryca Brooks-Long was working all the hours God sent, but her debts were mounting up

A woman opened up about how she hit rock bottom as she struggled to pay off her crippling debts.

Despite working four jobs, Teryca Brooks-Long said she was up to her neck in it, with debts mounting to over $250,000 (£200,000).

In a last ditch attempt to get out of it, she sought the help of YouTuber and financial whizz Caleb Hammer.

The self-proclaimed 'personal finance nerd' uses his show, Financial Audit, to offer guidance to people struggling with money worries.

Speaking to him last year, Teryca explained that she was working all the hours God sent as a model and actor, an enrolment advisor, a virtual assistant for a realtor, and also working at an ad agency.

However, even after all that, she's still only coming out with $3,500 a month.

Teryca Brooks-Long was in a really bad place financially.
YouTube/Caleb Hammer

Honing in on her outgoings, Caleb spotted that in just one month she had been hit with 13 overdraft fees.

And this was before he got to her university fees, which were astronomical.

Teryca's three separate student loans amounted to around $176,000, and when they added on fees and interest to that, the figure rose to an astonishing $250,000.

This means that every month Teryca is having to fork out $1,694 just for her student loan.

Giving her a stark warning, Caleb said: "So, where you're heading, just with the statements that you've provided me, is bankruptcy.

"But you can't clear this out with bankruptcy. You can't clear out student loans."

He went on: "This is going to absolutely balloon, isn't it? This is going to be half a million before you know it, and then a million."

Caleb Hammer tried to offer some financial advice.
YouTube/Caleb Hammer

Resigned to the fact that her finances are set to get worse, Teryca replied: "Probably, within the next two years."

Caleb warned her that she needs to get a job with a much higher wage or this could just take over her life.

Speaking to Insider about it, he said it was a really sad situation.

Looking back at the interview, Caleb told the outlet: "That really sticks with me. That was a scary one."

"It's going to be a million dollars before she knows it. She's not making progress on it.

"She got into credit-card debt and car debt as well. So I mean, that is just dire. That's where it gets to the point where it feels like it's impossible to get out of."

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Caleb Hammer

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