A woman was left furious when her ‘entitled’ neighbours climbed the fence to use her pool without asking.
In a post shared on Reddit, the anonymous woman explained how she moved into the ‘best house in the neighbourhood’ after her dad’s investment in the right stocks and shares made him rich.
"We have moved to a good neighbourhood, in a house with a pool, my dad bought a Jeep Wrangler and we are well off,’ the woman wrote in her Reddit post.
“Now we have the best house in the neighbourhood - one of the 4 which actually have a pool."

The house next door has a ‘very small back garden’ and it seems like the woman isn’t much of a fan of the people who live there as she calls them an ‘entitled’ family with three children.
The entire family from the house next door decided to take a dip in the pool, which had just been filled up after the Reddit poster moved in.
"The very first day of our pool being filled up, they helped their three kids climb up the fence, did the same themselves, and started to use our pool," she penned.
"When me and my twin bro went to the pool, we were shocked to see random people using our pool."
The woman told her dad who came outside and confronted the family, to which they explained that the former owner used to let them use it whenever he was away.

The woman’s dad showed the family his house keys and told them that there’s a public swimming pool up the street.
But the family complained that the public swimming pool had ‘too many people there’ and hit back: “Well you weren’t using this when we got here, so you have to wait now.”
Things went from bad to worse even after the family left because the woman spotted one of the children peeing in the pool.
"We had to clean the pool again, as the kids had wet dirt on their feet and one of the kids peed in the pool," she explained.
"How do we know, you ask? Well he was standing outside the pool and peed in it. Caught on camera. Seriously unbelievable."

Reddit users were outraged by the family’s actions and came to the woman’s defence.
“Well, your dad needs to file a police report so this behaviour is documented,” one person urged. “You should file a police report as well. You can generally do this online. It's just a report, and documents what happened. Your dad also NEEDS to save that camera footage. He'll most likely need it in the future.”
Another commenter suggested: “Perhaps they were already banned from the community pool because of bad behaviour.”
A third disgusted reader said: “Oh naw [sic] that’s nasty, the kid just standing there p***ing lmfao.”
A fourth commented: “I'm utterly disgusted by some people's entitlement, I sincerely hope I won't get neighbours like these once I have my own house.”