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St Trinian's star Rupert Everett says he knows who Prince Harry really lost his virginity to

St Trinian's star Rupert Everett says he knows who Prince Harry really lost his virginity to

The actor has claimed it didn't happen the way Harry claims

Actor Rupert Everett has claimed to know the identity of the woman Prince Harry lost his virginity to.

In case you somehow missed it, Harry gave a very candid depiction of his first time in his recently published biography Spare.

Describing the experience in the book, Harry wrote: “Inglorious episode, with an older woman.

"She liked horses, quite a lot, and treated me not unlike a young stallion.

"Quick ride, after which she'd smacked my rump and sent me to grace. Among the many things about it that were wrong: It happened in a grassy field behind a busy pub."

But while he didn’t scrimp on the… erm… ins and outs, the Duke of Sussex did remain tight-lipped about who the mystery horse-loving woman was.

But now, actor Rupert Everett has claimed to know who the unnamed older woman is - and has suggested it didn’t quite play out the way Harry claims.

Harry's book Spare had some pretty explosive claims.
Richard Levine / Alamy Stock Photo

During an interview with The Telegraph, the 63-year-old star said: “By the way, I know who the woman he lost his virginity to is. And it wasn’t behind a pub. And it wasn’t in this country.”


When asked if he thought that the story in Spare may have been a way for Harry to ‘cover his tracks’, Everett said: “I’m just putting it out there that I know.”

How could he leave us all hanging like this?

In response, a source reportedly close to Harry told the publication: "Amazing that he would know such a personal detail better than Prince Harry himself."

Elsewhere in the interview, Everett also admitted that reading Spare made him change his opinion on Harry.

Rupert Everett says he knows who the mystery woman is.
JEP Celebrity Photos / Alamy Stock Photo

He said: "It’s made me change my view. I was angry before, and now I just feel very sad – sad for Harry. I felt so sympathetic towards him for years and I still do now.

“Honestly! As someone who has put his foot in it quite a bit, I feel particularly bad for him about the Taliban thing. That changed everything and loses him the one group that still loved him.”

Harry’s claims in the book has led to much speculation about who the woman could be, with numerous names being thrown into the ring.

Among them was British model and actor Liz Hurley, who was quick to shut down the rumours.

During an interview with The Times in December, she was asked about whether there was any truth to the rumours, to which she replied: "Not me. Not guilty. Ha!"

When questioned further on the matter, she reiterated: "No. Not me. Absolutely not."

Featured Image Credit: SOPA Images Limited / REUTERS / Alamy

Topics: Prince Harry, Sex and Relationships, Celebrity