With so much press on her at all times, you’d think that Meghan Markle’s real name would be common knowledge by now, but it’s not.
That’s right, I said her real name.
What? Did you think it was Meghan Markle?
You’re not alone.
For years people have believed that Markle was going by her real name as an actress and even as a member of the Royal Family, but she changed it years ago.
You see, there’s quite the trend among celebrities to use other names when deciding to pursue a career in the limelight.
For some, it’s because you cannot have two actors on the registry of the Actors Guild, leading to a lot of people having to change either their first or last name, such as Emma Stone.
For others, it’s more of a branding thing where something else just sounds better.
For Markle, we’ll never know.
When the actress went on The Rachel Ray Show, she almost gave us her answer, but what angered fans was that she was quickly interrupted.
When Ray brought up the fact that Markle’s character in Suits has the same name as her, Markle chimed in.
Ray said: "The character's name is Rachel, which is great.”
Markle replied: "Did you know my first name is Rachel in real life? Did you know that?"
Ray quickly responded that she had ‘no idea’ and just as Markle was getting ready to reveal something else about her name, her answer was interrupted.
Fans were quick to point out their annoyance at the interruption and took to the internet.
One person wrote: "Meghan was just about to explain why she's known by Meghan and not Rachel... 'My parents...' but this overbearing host just interrupted. Poor interviewing skills.”
Someone else said: "Oh, my days! I really wanted to hear what she was going to say about her parents and her name."

So, Markle never got the chance to actually explain her name and why she opts for her middle name instead.
However, that didn’t stop reports from speculating the answer.
Media outlets have since reported that Markle has used the name Meghan instead of Rachel since her time at college.
However, in the video, Markle seemed as though she was going to say something about her parents calling her something other than Rachel.
So, maybe she was always called Meghan by her family?
Others have speculated that she used the name Meghan as it sounds better with Markle than Rachel could.
But she’s not the only one to do it, even Prince Harry isn’t even called Harry.
His full name is Prince Henry Charles Albert David.
So, maybe it’s just something people like to do with their names?
Topics: News, TV And Film, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Royal Family