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Huge Daddy Long Legs Are Invading UK Homes And It Sounds Terrifying

Huge Daddy Long Legs Are Invading UK Homes And It Sounds Terrifying

Anything else to throw at us, 2020?

Naomi Chadderton (FL)

Naomi Chadderton (FL)

Have you been noticing a lot more daddy long legs in your home the last few weeks?

Well we have some bad news for you - homeowners have been warned to brace for an invasion of more than 200 billion of the insects, as the recent warm yet wet weather has provided the perfect growing conditions for crane fly larvae.

2020 really is the year that keeps on giving.

Arguably the creepiest of creepy crawlies - just thinking about those long, spindly legs completely freaks us out - apparently they're feeling particularly amorous right now too, and are swarming homes in search for a mate.

We wonder what Boris would have to say about that.

Recent warm weather has provided the perfect growing conditions (

Why can't they keep it outside, you ask? Well daddy long legs are attracted to lights and often find themselves trapped indoors, and they also only have a few days to breed before they die so it really is a race against time.

The good news is that the bugs are completely harmless, but that still doesn't mean we want them floating around our room while we're trying to sleep, thank you very much.

Also, they only live for five to 15 days, so by October time they'll probably all be gone. Phew.

Spraying peppermint oil could help keep them at bay (

If you can't wait until then, there are a few simple tricks to remove the bugs from your home without causing them any harm - the simplest is turning off the light, waiting for it to land and do the classic trap it in a glass trick, then take it back outside.

Otherwise you'll just need to keep your windows and doors closed and wait for the swarm to pass!

Alternatively, you could try spraying peppermint oil along your door-frames as apparently spiders of all varieties hate the smell, so it could help deter them.

You can also try placing conkers in the corners of your rooms - although this old wives' tale might not have much scientific evidence behind it, people have relied on it for years with the theory being that they emit a noxious chemical that drives the spider away.

Experts say the daddy long legs should be gone from our homes by October (

However terrifying you might find daddy long legs, it's important not to kill them because their numbers are already in huge decline and they're eaten by a wide range of birds, so play an important part in the food chain.

Good luck!

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay