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What to look out for after experts issue warning on ‘nail abnormalities’ linked to cancer

What to look out for after experts issue warning on ‘nail abnormalities’ linked to cancer

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health have warned people about the benign nail abnormality

Experts have issued an urgent warning on 'nail abnormalities' linked to cancer and have shared exactly what to look out for.

A new study conducted by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have recently warned about a benign nail abnormality that may lead to the diagnosis of a rare disorder.

The disorder, known as BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome, increases the risk of someone developing cancer of the skin, eyes, kidneys, and the tissue that lines the chest and abdomen.

Experts have shared what to look out for  after experts issue warning on ‘nail abnormalities’ linked to cancer. (Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images)
Experts have shared what to look out for after experts issue warning on ‘nail abnormalities’ linked to cancer. (Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images)

The study looked at 47 individuals with the syndrome from 35 different families.

Co-lead author and genetic counsellor Alexandra Lebensohn said: "When asked about nail health during a baseline genetic assessment, a very astute patient reported that he had noticed subtle changes in his nails.

"His comment prompted us to systematically evaluate other participants for nail changes and uncover this new finding."

Researchers conducted biopsies of the nail and nail bed of several participants, which confirmed their suspicions of a a benign tumour abnormality known as an onychopapilloma.

The condition is only likely to affect one nail. (Dermatology Consultation Service)
The condition is only likely to affect one nail. (Dermatology Consultation Service)

The condition causes a coloured band, which usually displays itself as white or red, along the length of the nail.

This can be sometimes been seen along with a thickening of the nail underneath the discolouration, and a thickening at the end of the nail.

Among people who participated in the study with BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome aged 30 and older, 88 percent had onychopapilloma tumours affecting multiple nails.

After looking at these results, researchers are now urging that nail screening will be particularly valuable for a patient with a family history of melanoma.

According to the World Health Organisation, melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that can be life-threatening if not detected at an early point.

Researchers are now urging that nail screening will be particularly valuable for a patient with a family history of melanoma. (Dermatology Consultation Service)
Researchers are now urging that nail screening will be particularly valuable for a patient with a family history of melanoma. (Dermatology Consultation Service)

While obvious changes in moles or skin lesions are commonly associated with melanoma, there are a lot more subtle signs that individuals should be aware of.

Recognising them sooner rather than later can be crucial for diagnosis and treatment.

Edward Cowen, head of Dermatology Consultation Services at NIH, said: "This finding is rarely seen in the general population, and we believe the presence of nail changes that suggest onychopapillomas on multiple nails should prompt consideration of a diagnosis of BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome."

Scientists have said that it is caused by mutations in the BAP1 gene, which normally acts as a tumour suppressor, among other functions.

Co-senior author of the study Raffit Hassan added: "This discovery is an excellent example of how multidisciplinary teams and natural history studies can reveal insights about rare diseases."

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence, contact Macmillan’s Cancer Support Line on 0808 808 00 00, 8am–8pm seven days a week.

Featured Image Credit: Dermatology Consultation Service/NIAMS/Kinga Krzeminska/Getty Images

Topics: Cancer, Life, News, NHS, Science, Health