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Four Day Working Week Being Trialled In The UK

Four Day Working Week Being Trialled In The UK

We like the sound of this…

A number of companies in the UK are now trialling a four-day working week.

A six month pilot programme which will observe shorter working hours has been launched in partnership with leading think tank Autonomy, the 4 Day Week UK Campaign and researchers at Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College.

A four day working week is being trialled in the UK (

Employees taking part in the trial will receive no loss of pay for working shorter hours, as the trial model abides by the 100:80:100 principle: 100 per cent of the pay for 80 per cent of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintain at least 100 per cent productivity. 

Researchers will work with each participating organisation to measure the impact on productivity in the business and the wellbeing of its workers, as well as the impact on the environment and gender equality.

The pilot taking place here in the UK will run in conjunction to similar schemes in the USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Four day weeks are thought to boost productivity (

Joe O’Connor, Pilot Programme Manager for 4 Day Week Global, said of the trial: "More and more businesses are moving to productivity focused strategies to enable them to reduce worker hours without reducing pay.

“We are excited by the growing momentum and interest in our pilot program and in the four-day week more broadly. 

"The four-day week challenges the current model of work and helps companies move away from simply measuring how long people are ‘at work’, to a sharper focus on the output being produced. 2022 will be the year that heralds in this bold new future of work."

Workers still have to be as productive as if it were a five day week (

Both Scotland and Spain have previously launched trials of a four day working week, in order for employee well-being and to achieve a more fair work-life balance.

Research has shown that shorter working weeks actually make workers more productive.

When Microsoft trialled a four-day week with no loss of pay in their Japan office, productivity went up by 40 per cent.

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Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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