A Christian couple were awarded thousands in damages after being denied a foster child over their view that homosexuality is a sin.
A Western Australian tribunal concluded that Byron and Keira Hordyk views on religion were discriminated against.
Wanslea Family Services denied their application in 2017 on the grounds that could not provide a safe environment for a young person who might identify as LGBTIQ+.

Mr Hordyk told the hearing: "It feels unfair for me to have to throw away my beliefs on these issues just so I can be acceptable to Wanslea.
"My religious convictions take centre stage in all aspects of my life."
The Hordyks referred to the seventh commandment: “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and that same-sex relationships were sinful.
The couple are members of the conservative Free Reformed Churches of Australia (FRCA) has 14 branches in Western Australia and two in Tasmania.

“In my opinion, the FRCA upholds a conservative position on human sexuality, and a conservative biblical hermeneutic, which regards homosexual sexual relations as sinful,” the pastor of FRCA wrote in his report to the tribunal.
Dr Wesley Bredenhof, a minister from another branch of the FRCA, also told the tribunal: "This being that marriage is a life-long relationship between one man and one woman; all extra-marital sexuality is contrary to the Bible.
"Homosexual lusts and behaviours are contrary to the Bible and that there are two fixed genders or sexes, namely male and female."
The Hordyks were awarded $3000 each in damages.
Wanslea were ordered to change the couples assessment from 'assessed not to meet competencies' to 'application discontinued'.

"We do feel we have been discriminated against and also we felt that if we were quiet about this and didn't say anything about it, it could potentially harm or limit any people with the same Christian values as ours from fostering," Mr Hordyk told The West Australian.
"We hold traditional Christian views on how the Bible teaches us on sexuality and marriage.
"We stated it from the beginning.
"We are not here to hide behind it. Everyone — particularly with a divisive issue — is afraid of being put into the realm of public opinion in a negative light.
"And my beliefs are strong enough that this might be my cross to bear."