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Woman refuses to split the bill on dates and says men should reward the 'time and effort' she puts in

Woman refuses to split the bill on dates and says men should reward the 'time and effort' she puts in

People have been left divided after a TikToker revealed she doesn't ever offer to pay half the bill on a date with a man.

People have been left divided after a TikToker revealed she doesn't ever offer to pay half the bill on a date with a man.

Now, personally, I always offer to split the bill on a date with a guy, seeing myself as an independent woman and all that.

However, after seeing a tweet the other day which reminded me of the gender pay gap, it made me realise it's probably fair if I hold off on a date or two and save a few quid.

A TikToker named Ella Freimann from New York simply never offers at all and has opened up on her controversial approach to dating men which has helped her 'avoid bad experiences'. Prepare to start wondering how much money you've spent splitting the bill on dates:

Ella explains she would 'never' split the bill on a date because if she did, she believes she would be 'agreeing to form a connection with a man who doesn't know his role in a relationship and expects [her] to be 50 percent of the man he's not'.

The TikToker continues: "I've learned that men who split the bill don't value the time and effort a woman puts into herself to look her best for that man.

"Plus 50/50 men don't understand that the woman's investment was made prior to the date.

"By not agreeing to split the bill the woman keeps her dignity intact and avoids bad experiences with men."

As a result of her strict dating rules, Ella has found herself being called a 'gold digger' - but she denies being 'money-hungry,' instead noting the term is often 'thrown around to every woman that decides to raise her standards in dating and expects her partner to be financially stable and to provide for her'.

Ella never offers to split the bill on dates with men.
Jam Press

She continues: "[...] A high-value woman knows what she brings to the table and expects the same in return. Another assumption is [that] we don't work or we're lazy, but a woman with high standards in dating always makes sure that the man is able to provide for both, in case she doesn't want to work.

"I've seen women building their businesses and focusing on themselves while being provided for by a man. And as being reduced to our looks, although a woman's beauty is a valuable aspect, we understand the value a woman brings to a relationship, such as emotional stability, nurturing qualities, and support.

"Many studies have shown that men can't live without a woman - we better a man's life in all aspects, and since we know what we bring, we expect the man to bring his part.

"[...] Men have no issue asking for intimacy and submissiveness from a woman, so why should we be hesitant to get our needs met?"

Not only does Ella not ever pay for her dates but she's strict with which dates she even agrees to go on too, seeing coffee dates as 'disrespectful to women and a waste of time'.

Ella has been called a 'gold digger' for her approach to dating.
Jam Press

"It says a lot about a man's intentions with that woman," she continues. "A man that proposes a coffee date doesn't perceive you as worthy of his time and effort, and probably is diversifying his money."

Not everyone is a fan of Ella's approach to dating though, with TikTok users left divided over her refusing to ever split the bill.

One said: "I never been called that In my life. I also always made my own money and never saw man as a cash machine. I somehow had higher ambition."

"Or maybe I have my own money," another wrote.

However, a third said: "I've been call that plenty of times by broke men."

A final resolved: "You're right it's a badge of honour wear it proud ladies."

Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Money, TikTok, Social media

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