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Woman left horrified after hotel room is invaded with ‘killer’ snake and ‘2,000 moths’

Woman left horrified after hotel room is invaded with ‘killer’ snake and ‘2,000 moths’

The nightmarish experience happened in the otherwise idyllic country of Thailand

One woman's holiday bliss quickly became the stuff of nightmares after her hotel room was infiltrated by hundreds of moths and a snake.

Jemma Sayer, a TikToker currently travelling around South East Asia, shared her experience that is so genuinely terrifying it could be straight from a horror film.

The chilling clip has now been viewed almost 5 million times.

One of the best parts of a holiday, especially when in a hot country, is being able to enjoy a clean and serene hotel room, safe from the outside world.

Jemma shared that she was in Thailand when the horror occurred - and while the beautiful country does have its fair share of creepy crawlies - the last place you'd expect to come face to face with them is in your hotel room at night.

Bone chilling.

Jemma shared: "We were staying in this bungalow in the jungle.

"There was a little gap in the door and there was a few months flying in. We decided to wrap a towel around the door to try and stop all the moths from coming in.

"As we opened the door, this cobra snake was dangling from the top of the door with its mouth open.

"We thought we were going to die, we were petrified. I've never ever been so scared in my entire life.

"It launched towards both of us, it literally launched towards my friend's head. This is when the moths all came in as well, they just swarmed over us."

Jemma and her friend that she has been travelling South East Asia with. (Kennedy News and Media)
Jemma and her friend that she has been travelling South East Asia with. (Kennedy News and Media)

She continued: "We both screamed, I don't think I've ever screamed so loud. It probably woke everyone up.

"I grabbed my phone and we ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. We locked ourselves in there.

"We were crying our eyes out because we were so scared."

She then later added on TikTok, where she originally shared her video: "Just to clarify we didn’t just leave the door wide open we opened the door for a split second to go out and this jungle of moths and a snake entered our room."

The footage shows that the experience was like something out of a horror film. (Kennedy News and Media)
The footage shows that the experience was like something out of a horror film. (Kennedy News and Media)

The footage shows Jemma's hotel room, complete with a double bed and a white netted ceiling light hanging over the top of it, as well as a man in the corner holding a baseball bat in an attempt to shoo the droves of moths away.

The moths had attached themselves to the bed, the net and the room, more generally.

Jemma then further clarified: "We've loved travelling so far, it's been a great experience, apart from that one."

Social media commenters have been left completely aghast by the footage.

One person wrote: "I’d get on the next flight home."

Another said: "How you are all standing in that room still I don’t even know." Jemma then added: "It wasn’t by choice we had to pack all our stuff and leave."

A third person chimed: "Backpacking life is NOT for me."

I'm not sure I can say I'll be sleeping soundly tonight.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jemmasayer

Topics: TikTok, Travel