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Woman Horrified To Find NSFW Item On Cooker In Uni Flat

Woman Horrified To Find NSFW Item On Cooker In Uni Flat

This is so gross.

A university student was horrified when she came across a used condom on her kitchen stove.

Gabrielle Jimenez, 18, took to TikTok to film a short clip of the condom, which she found in her shared kitchen, before posting it on the video-streaming site.

You can watch below:

The law student says: “I don’t care about the utensils left here. “But who the f**k leaves a used condom on the stove.

“Whoever did it actually own up. If I find out myself I will bait you out to everyone on campus.”

The undergrad student had been in the kitchen making a coffee just before she noticed the used contraceptive.

“And also if you are disgusting and disrespectful enough to do something like this. I wish upon you every STD possible," she added.

Gabrielle was shocked at the condom (
Triangle News)

The video has racked up over 185,000 views and nearly 25,000 likes already, with many people slamming the behaviour.

One wrote: “That’s next level disrespectful what the f**k.

While another said: “I swear people in university accommodations act worse than animals. Only shows how they were raised at home.”

And a third added: “This is making me reconsider going to uni.” 

A fourth said: “I’m so glad I am going to be living alone.”

And a fifth wrote: “If this was my flat, I would cry.” 

While another simply added: “Wtf is wrong with people.”

People were horrified at the condom (
Triangle News)

Gabrielle said she was so disgusted, she even considered dropping out of her course.

In other TikTok news, we told you about the girl who found out her boyfriend was cheating on her after finding a red dress in his house.

In the video, she writes: "I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me when I was doing my weekly search and found this."

By no means are we endorsing a "weekly search" of your partner's home, but the TikToker does perform a hilarious reenactment of her search, including rooting through drawers and cupboards, and even tasting the bathroom floor.

After a thorough search, the TikTok creator comes across a red dress that doesn't belong to her.


You can read more on that here.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Topics: Life