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There’s actually a name for this weird period between Christmas and New Year

There’s actually a name for this weird period between Christmas and New Year

This confusing period of time has a name

Christmas carols, a church service, lots of food and presents are just some of the ways people celebrate Christmas Day. But what about that odd period of time after 25th December?

The lead up to New Year’s Day always leaves us feeling confused about which day it currently is, between eating leftovers, enjoying our presents or bingeing films (that’s if you’re lucky enough to get annual leave).

This week truly feels like no other, and many people may be confused about how to describe it. As it turns out, this period of time has an unofficial name.

We’re not just talking about Boxing Day; this name refers specifically to the length of time spanning 27-31 December, when time itself becomes abstract and you don’t quite know what to do with yourself.

This week, which is perhaps one of the happiest for many of us, is known as ‘Twixmas’.

What is Twixmas?

What should you do between Christmas Day and New Year's Day? (Connect Images/Getty Images)
What should you do between Christmas Day and New Year's Day? (Connect Images/Getty Images)

It’s a time to relax and take a break from the stress that likely unfolded throughout the year, and perhaps the more “fun” stress from organising presents, food and your social calendar for Christmas.

The word itself is a portmanteau (a blend of two words and their meanings) inspired by the Old English word betwixt, which means “between”. It’s the period between Christmas and the New Year which are two major events in the calendar. Some other portmanteau words you may know include 'brunch' and 'Brexit'.

It is not known exactly where Twixmas came from, but it is definitely a fitting label for this time of year.

How to make the most of Twixmas 2024

What should you do on Twixmas? (Getty Stock Image)
What should you do on Twixmas? (Getty Stock Image)

You can definitely spend this time relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. But if you want to add some ideas that aren’t too strenuous to your Twixmas to-do list, have a read below:

Catch up on all your TV shows and films: There have been countless acclaimed TV series and films released this year, why not finish some of the series you started but haven’t had a chance to complete. Or watch the film you didn’t find the time to watch.

Whip up some new recipes: Use the extra time you now have to experiment with new food recipes.

Go outside: Find joy in going for a winter stroll, meet up with friends or family in a local park, or go on a bike ride.

Finish your chores: Okay, we did say nothing too strenuous. But if there’s a mini DIY project you’ve been aiming to complete before 2025, perhaps now is the time to tackle it. Get those paint brushes out!

Reflect: Take some time to reflect on the past year, try journaling or making a list of some of your goals for 2025 and beyond.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images/Connect Images/Getty Images

Topics: Christmas, Life