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Mildred Kirschenbaum is about to turn 100-years-old in August, and therefore has some advice on how to live a long and fulfilling life.

When you’ve managed to live for as long as she has, perhaps it’s worth taking a few of these tips on board.

First off, she’s not the kind of person who likes to live in the slow lane.

For example, she’ll be taking a transatlantic cruise before her milestone birthday.

Mildred loves travelling, as well as living independently still, driving her own car, and – bizarrely – trading stocks on her computer in her spare time.

Actually, she’s a ‘brilliant financial investor’ according to her daughter.

Mildred is still loving life at nearly 100.
Gayle Kirschenbaum

On social media – where she’s also something of an influencer – she often doles out little life tips for an enjoyable life, because – no matter what you do – you’re not guaranteed a long time here anyway.

Speaking to TODAY, Mildred said: “It’s attitude, attitude.

“I enjoy every day.”

So, Mildred enjoys happy hour, and often sits socialising with a vodka and tonic, garnished with a slice of orange.

She also chats to other people, regardless of the fact that they might be almost half a century younger than her.

Recently, she approached ‘what I call a young man, 55 or so’ in a bar just for a chat.

“I said, ‘Look, I’m 99, I’m not looking to pick you up, but I like to talk to people,’” she explained.

Her daughter, 68-year-old Gayle Kirschenbaum, added: “She has no censor, she loves attention and she’s an extrovert.

“She’ll walk into the clubhouse, and it’s like the queen has arrived and this is her court,

“She lives life to the fullest.

“She is not riddled with fears.”

In a recent video, Mildred said: “I want to share a thought about attitude.

“I will be 100-years-old in August – it’s only a couple of months away – and yet I have friends who are 20 years younger, 15 years younger, and their attitudes are gonna cause them not to survive to my age.

“They’re not grateful for anything.

“Their attitude is ‘I don’t see my kids more than once a week’ or ‘the food I was served was cold, was bad, was not good’,

“Their attitude is not acceptable – if the food isn’t quite right, so have an extra dessert."

Mildred says that it's all about attitude, really.
Instagram/Gayle Kirschenbaum

She continued: “If you hear from your children more than once a week, that’s fine!

“They call you once a week, you call them once a week.

“Be grateful that they are enjoying life – change your attitude.

“Look at the positive side of life, I think that’s what got me this far.

“I try my best not to sweat the small stuff, and to have a positive attitude.

“Enjoy your day.”

Well, when you put it like that, it does seem like a good way of going about things, even if we’re not all going to live to be 100-years-old.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/glkirschenbaum

Topics: Life, Real Life