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Practical ways to uplift women this International Women’s Day

Practical ways to uplift women this International Women’s Day

How to empower women today and every day

International Women’s Day is here once again!

We’ve arrived at the one day of the year dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements all over the planet and advocating for equality.

It’s a refreshing pit stop for women to take the necessary time to pause and reflect on getting to where we are, and how much further there is left to go.

International Women's Day takes place on March 8th annually, igniting necessary conversations about how we can achieve a more inclusive world by uplifting and empowering the women that inhabit it.

There are so many ways to show up and inspire change.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #InspireInclusion, designed to emphasise ‘the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of society’.

International Women's Day is an objectively great initiative, and companies all over the world adopt the hashtag to show their solidarity - but how do we actually put it into practice?

Many of the necessary changes need to be implemented at a structural level - meaning they’re out of our every day reach.

In the meantime, there are every day things we can do for our fellow women to ensure we’re heading in the right direction, and supporting women where and when we can.

Here are some practical ways to uplift women that we can all get involved in - both on International Women’s Day and every day surrounding it.

Compliment your fellow women

It sounds simple, but more often than we'd like to admit, we find ourselves holding back on vocalising the positive things we’re thinking, so this is something we could all do with adopting more often.

It doesn’t have to be based on appearance (although if you love her mani, let her know!)

Imagine how great it would feel to tell your colleague that you love her work, and how affirming it would feel to hear it?

Supporting women-led small businesses

This is a great way to tangibly invest in women’s futures.

A quick Google search will bring up a plethora of amazing fashion, art and jewellery brands worth your attention - some personal favourites include Eleanor Isobel Art and Laugahey.

Our purchases can really change the lives of the women at the helm - and that is infinitely better and way more helpful than lining the pockets of huge corporations.

Social media allows us to amplify the work of others without spending a penny.

Support women’s work on social media

The internet is a hugely powerful tool which, whilst sometimes used for the wrong reasons, can be used positively by us to transform careers overnight.

A like, a repost on X or sharing to your Instagram story is totally free. A small action like this amplifies articles you connect with or art that you love to a wider audience without spending a penny.

Advocate for your fellow women in any way you can

One thing we know for sure is that advocating, organising and protesting works.

There are so many ways to show up and inspire change.

By being part of your local marches that campaign for women’s safety, signing petitions that are seeking justice for women, or even suggesting to the manager of your local bar that free sanitary items in the bathroom are a great idea, you’re doing your bit to campaign for a better world.

Donate to charities that secure brighter futures for women

If you are ever financially able, it's incredibly rewarding to look into local or global organisations that are having a direct, positive effect on women.

Some great places to keep on your radar are Refuge, Women’s Aid, and Bloody Good Period.

Featured Image Credit: bymuratdeniz/Getty Images/Luis Alvarez/Getty Images