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Baba Vanga’s top four predictions of 2024 after some of them come true

Baba Vanga’s top four predictions of 2024 after some of them come true

The Bulgarian mystic continues to predict things from beyond the grave

If you have an active interest in fortune-telling, the supernatural or just the weird and wonderful in general, chances are you know all about Baba Vanga.

If you are yet to learn about the infamous mystic - let us give you the run down.

Who was Baba Vanga?

Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian woman, blind since childhood, who predicted world events throughout history.

Despite dying in 1996, before she shuffled off her mortal coil, she made sure to predict a range of world-changing events, even up to the present day and beyond.

Her predictions

Baba Vanga has predicted events for every year up until 5079, and has been right so many times that she’s gained notoriety for her scarily accurate premonitions, even from beyond the grave.

It is reported that Baba Vanga’s predictions had been so well respected throughout history that Soviet leaders sought her services following the several world wars of the 20th century.

Only a gobsmackingly low 15% of her predictions have been wrong to date.

Baba Vanga's predictions go up until the year 5079.

Baba Vanga predicted many major events throughout history - including the 9/11 attacks, the death of Indira Gandhi, and the 44th President of the United States being Black, and the date of her own death.

Predictions made for 2024

They include:

  • The assassination of President Putin
  • An increase in terror attacks across Europe
  • Medical and technological breakthroughs
  • A huge economic crisis
The UK is facing an economic crisis.

And some of them are already coming true...

Firstly is the huge economic crisis.

Both the UK and Japan are facing a huge financial crash.

In February, it was confirmed by the Office of National Statistics that gross domestic product (GDP) fell by a larger than expected 0.3 percent in the three months to December in the UK as a result of a decline in all main sectors of the economy and collapse in retail sales, the Guardian reported.

As for Japan - they have moved down to fourth position in global standings, having it's prior third spot taken over by Germany.

And the Yen is currently at an all-time 34-year-low, weakening to 151.97 against the US dollar.

Vaccine breakthroughs are underway.

Secondly, and more positively - is medical breakthroughs.

It has been confirmed recently that a lung cancer vaccines are being worked on.

Scientists at the University of Oxford, the Francis Crick Institute and University College London are jointly working on 'LungVax', having received £1.7 million ($2,139,225) from major UK charities to fund 3,000 vaccines in the last few months.

Similarly, scientists in Russia are currently working on the same idea, with Vladimir Putin telling press that they've 'come very close' to the creation of 'so-called cancer vaccines and immunomodulatory drugs of a new generation'.

"We have come very close to the creation of so-called cancer vaccines and immunomodulatory drugs of a new generation... I hope that soon they will be effectively used as methods of individual therapy," Reuters reported Putin as saying.

Looking back at the list, here's hoping Baba Vanga isn't right about everything.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images

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