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Mum Captures The Moment Her Bump Begins 'To Drop' On Camera

Mum Captures The Moment Her Bump Begins 'To Drop' On Camera

This is incredible!

A mum has captured the moment her baby bump 'dropped' - and the footage is incredible.

TikToker @nabby.nabs uploaded the video onto her profile, and followers can't believe the incredible clip.

"Can NOT believe I caught this," she said. You can watch the video below:

And other followers were totally blown away by the video, which revealed how the mum's bump appeared at 38 weeks and three days, as well as 48 hours after dropping.

One person wrote: "I dropped while standing in a Macy's. An older woman saw it happen and started crying because she thought it was beautiful. Scared me though lol."

While another said: "Ooohhh i remember that feeling!! Baby is coming soon... I wish you an easy labor with no pain at all.. MAY YOU SNEEZE THE BABY OUT!!"

And a third added: "Ok this must be the only video on earth about this moment 😳."

Meanwhile a fourth said: "I feel like that whoa was partially the drop and partially the ability to breathe a little better all of a sudden 😂😂."

The mum captured the exact moment (

And a fifth added: "I didn't know it really was a visible transition (until the obvious) this is beautiful. thank you for sharing. *not me crying*."

'Dropping' is also referred to as 'lightening' which - according to Healthline - happens when labour is approaching.

"It happens when the baby’s head literally “drops” lower into your pelvis, becoming engaged within your pubic bones. This starts baby’s descent down and out into the world," they explain.

"Lightening can start as early as a few weeks before labor actually begins. But for some women, it happens only a few hours before labor starts.

Dropping is also known as 'lightening' (

"Every pregnancy is different. While labor isn’t far off for some women when their baby drops, others may have weeks to go. And some never really feel their baby drop until labor officially begins."

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Life, Parenting, TikTok