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Woman causes divide by saying single mums should prioritise boyfriend over kids

Woman causes divide by saying single mums should prioritise boyfriend over kids

People were pretty shocked over the clip.

A woman has caused a divide online after claiming children shouldn't come first and urging mums to prioritise their relationships instead.

TikToker @marilynwithatwist took to the video sharing platform where she explained that what she was about to say would 'trigger' lots of parents.

You can watch the clip below:

In the video, the woman explains: "I am personally of the mindset that no child, ever, should ever come first in a relationship. Period.

"No child should ever come before your partner. I don't care if they're a step child, biological child, adopted child, I don't care what kind of child they are.

"They should not come first, because when those children grow up and leave at the age of 18, 21, whatever, it's just going to be you and your partner, and if you haven't spent time developing a relationship, making the partner the priority in your life, what are you going to have but a stranger living in your house when those kids leave?

"Which is why the majority of parents typically get a divorce by the time the kids are grown and out of the house."

A woman has caused a divide online after claiming children shouldn't come first.

People were pretty shocked by the woman's opinion, with many taking to the comments.

One person wrote: "My spouse can be my partner and ONE of my priorities, but my children will ALWAYS be my first and biggest priority."

While another said: "Nah… my husband doesn’t see our kids as competition though. We’re all on the same team."

And a third added: "My mom always put my dad first. And I’ll never forget it and how detrimental it was to us kids."

However, some agreed, with a fourth writing: "So true. Every time I see a dating profile that says 'my kids come first', I'm outta there. Because no matter how hard I try to be a good and loving partner, it will always be whatever the kids want."

People were shocked by the video.

In a follow-up clip, the woman clarified her comments further and offered some 'advice' to single mums, adding: "Single mothers, if you want to know why you are not getting swiped on by the kind of man you think you deserve, stop telling these men, after asking them for all their time, energy and money, that they are going to come after your children, by another man.

"I don't know in what world you thought that that would entice a man to want to date you."

One person responded: "Any decent man will agree and understand the kids come first. If he doesn’t, he not for u. Simple as that."

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@marilynwithatwist

Topics: Life, Parenting, TikTok