If you're in the UK right now, chances are you've spent the past few nights struggling to sleep in the midst of the current unprecedented heatwave.
The problem is almost certainly worse for you if you have children, but Stacey Solomon has shared a genius hack that will help you get them to sleep! Check out this hack to keep your dog cool too:
The singer, 32, shared the hack on Instagram back in 2020, and you'll be wishing you'd heard of it sooner.
The X Factor star has four children and she explained that she gets their heads on pillows in the hot weather with a fun TV dance to tire them out.
After all, you can only be so tired before you eventually have to sleep.
The hack really is as simple as it sounds, encourage your children to dance in front of the TV (perhaps by putting on their favourite song to dance to) and they'll be so worn out afterwards that they will sleep.

However, this isn't the only handy heatwave hack that Stacey has shared with her fans on social media.
She also explained that there's a genius way to keep your water cool throughout the day and it involves freezing a half full bottle!
The mum-of-four wrote on Instagram stories: "Don't forget to fill your water bottle halfway and lay it on its side in the freezer today! Stays nice and cool. And you can keep topping it up with fresh water."

Another challenge for a lot of parents during the summer months is not only keeping their kids cool throughout the day and coaxing them to sleep, but convincing them to do their homework.
But Stacey has a hack for that too!
She previously told OK! Magazine that she simply lets her kids face the consequences of their actions in that department - and it works as the ultimate deterrent!
"Let them not do it, let them get a detention, and make them walk home," Stacey said.
"Zach has now missed two pieces of homework since he started in September because he hates having to walk home when he misses the school bus, and that's what you've got to do when you've got a detention because I'm not coming out at five o'clock to pick him up from school!"
Have you got any other handy parenting heatwave hacks? Spread the love and share them in the comments section!