Singles in Spain are redefining the dating game by taking up a new method in a bid to find their other half.
The dating trend has taken over the internet and seen hoards of people flocking to Mercadona, a Spanish supermarket.
The craze is being hailed as 'Tinder-dona', with those who have tried and tested it encouraging others to take part.
Giving 'supermarket sweep' a whole new meaning, Tinder-dona allows hopeful singles to give out very specific signals that indicate exactly what they're looking for and interested in.

According to Euro Weekly News, putting chocolates or sweets in your trolley is 'rumoured to signal an interest in a casual fling, while opting for legumes might indicate a search for something more serious'.
Beyond that, you can signal that you're open for a simple chat, by apparently carrying an upside-down pineapple.
If you'd rather take your shopping seriously, bumping trollies with someone you fancy could be the 'perfect icebreaker'.
In case you hadn't already cracked it, the name of the trend mashes together the well known dating app Tinder with the latter end of Mercadona.
Genius, right?

The trend is all over TikTok, with user Vivy Lin, who is a TV personality, posting a video of her experience.
Speaking in Spanish, she discussed the idea that singles were now taking to supermarkets for more than eggs and milk - and it functioned as a real life dating app experience, and captioned her video: "Did you know?"
In the TikTok, Vivy is is shopping in Mercadona with her friend, who asks what the 'best time to flirt in Mercadona is'.
She tells Vivy that 'there is a specific time'.
Vivy then says: "I'm completely astonished."
The gal pals then discover they're shopping in Mercadona at 7:05pm, which they deem to be the best time to flirt after consulting Google.
Vivy then asks a fellow shopper: "Did you know there was a flirting time in Mercadona?"
The shopper then asks: "Really?"
Now that the trend has apparently been adopted by more Spaniards, it's been suggested that prime time to visit and look for love is between 7 and 8pm.
On the other hand, it's been suggested that if you're looking for someone with refined tastes, a trip down the cosmetics aisles between 2pm to 3:30pm might be just the ticket.
With the likes of Tinder and Hinge making us all want to pull our hair out, maybe we should try this out in the local Tesco.
Tyla has contacted Mercadona for comment.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, TikTok, Dating, Dating trends, Shopping, Tinder