OK guys, after a long four years, it's finally the leap year yet again.
Now, there's a whole bunch of rituals, superstitions and traditions attached the to leap year, including women being the ones to propose to their partners on the special day.
While we know anyone can be the one to pop the question now that we're in the 21st century, let's take a look back into the past and delve into the absolutely iconic reason behind why women first started popping the question on the 29th February.

So, why on earth did the girlies first start doing away with the age-old tradition and taking control to be the ones getting down on one knee?
Well, plain and easy, it's because their male suitors were simply taking too long to do it themselves.
So, naturally, the women decided to take the reigns and just sort it on their own.
Also known as Bachelors’ Day, the act of women proposing on the leap year is allegedly a super old Irish tradition - that dates all the way back to the 5th century!
Legend has it that the tradition stems from St Brigid of Kildare complaining to St Patrick that maidens had to wait too long for their love interests to ask for their hand.
This resulted in St Patrick’s decreeing that on the extra day of a leap year, women would be allowed to propose to men.
And that's not all.

Irish monks then reportedly brought this tradition over to Scotland and, in 1288, the likes of Queen Margaret passed a law allowing women to propose to their partner.
However, there was a price to pay if the blokes refused the proposal.
Any man who declined the woman's hand in marriage would have to cough up a fine of either a silk gown or a kiss.
And for the ladies?
Well, Queen Margaret also included a rule in the law stating that the woman who was proposing must wear a red petticoat.
So, if you're feeling like embracing tradition then what better time to pop the question?
You get to break one archaic tradition with a slightly more fun one, you get to choose your own engagement ring, it can take the pressure off your partner and - at the end of the day - life's too short to wait around for something you want!
Reckon you'll be embracing your inner St Brigid this leap year?
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Life, Wedding