We're just a few days away from the Buck Moon gracing our skies this weekend.
This Buck Moon - which received its name as it’s a time when male deers start to grow their antlers - is often regarded as a time for growth, regeneration and renewal.
However, while there's a lot to look forward to following the upcoming lunar event - there are some things to be wary of as an astrologist has issued a relationship warning while navigating July’s Buck Moon.

Now, the Buck Moon typically happens between mid or late July and this year, the moon will reach its peak fullness on Sunday night (21 July).
And this period - like any other full moon - is a great time to whip out that manifestation journal.
Speaking on behalf of Tarotoo, celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman explains that the Full Moon is always in the opposite sign to the Sun sign of that particular date.
So, for example, this means that on Sunday, the Sun is in Cancer and the Full Moon is in Capricorn.
Inbaal told Tyla that Capricorn is 'a hard working, focused and driven sign and where Capricorn goes, success soon follows'.

So, naturally, during the Capricorn Full Moon, we may start to notice some very positive changes in our careers.
You may find yourself dreaming of a new career direction, or receive guidance about the future of your finances, with Inbaal advising: "You should use this Full Moon to make ambitious career changes."
However, this may have an impact on another major part of your life.
The astrologist warned: "In relationships, this Full Moon will appear to leave them behind, because the influence and the obsession of this Buck Moon is so much more focused on wealth and success, so your partner may feel forgotten."
It's not all doom and gloom though as Inbaal tell us that manifesting is at its strongest during the Full Moon, so it's a great time to go out into the garden with a list of wishes and meditate on them under the light of the moon.
In case you were curious, there are also four signs in particular who will be most affected by this weekend's Buck Moon.

Inbaal told Tyla that this Buck Moon happens while the sun is in the spiritual sign of Cancer.
So, naturally, this means that sensitive and loving Cancerians will be 'even more attuned' to those around them.
"Expect friends and relatives to tell you their innermost fears and desires," she shared. "Thanks to the full Moon's spiritual knowledge, you'll find it easier to support and understand."

According to the astrologist, Leo season begins while the moon is still full, so Leo-born people will feel a 'big impact'.
She told Tyla: "The ruling planet of Leo is the bright sun, which makes them perform at their best when the day is well-lit.
"The Buck Moon provides us with a well-lit nighttime as well, which means that Leo will feel at ease around the clock."
Good to know!

Now, the Full Moon in Capricorn happens just once a year, giving a boost to that day's moon sign.
So, as this 'business-minded' full Moon in Capricorn uplifts this business-minded sign, it is a day for Capricorns to smash job interviews, launch businesses and book work meetings around the topics of pay-rises and the future.

And the last sign to be most affected by this weekend's Buck Moon is Aquarius.
"Immediately following the Capricorn Full Moon, we will watch as the Moon goes into Aquarius," Inbaal said. "It will still be quite full, so Aquarian-born individuals will enjoy the afterglow of this successful and driven Full Moon."
So, if any Aquarians out there are thinking of doing some job hunting, now is a good time to schedule that Zoom call.
Topics: Astrology, Space, Life, Sex and Relationships