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Expert reveals the top 4 zodiac signs most impacted by this week's New Moon in Gemini

Expert reveals the top 4 zodiac signs most impacted by this week's New Moon in Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini will have positive effects for multiple zodiac signs

Mark your lunar calendars, ladies, as we've got a New Moon set to light up the skies this week.

On Thursday afternoon (6 June), we'll be treated to a brand-new moon in Gemini and there's a whole bunch of symbolism attached to the cosmic phenomenon.

Tyla sat down with celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman, speaking on behalf of Tarotoo, to find out a little more about the upcoming moon and the top zodiac signs who will be most affected by it.

An astrologer revealed the top zodiac signs most affected by this week's New Moon in Gemini. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
An astrologer revealed the top zodiac signs most affected by this week's New Moon in Gemini. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)

Inbaal tells us that the New Moon is a time of 'complete endings' and 'new beginnings'.

"It is the start of a new cycle," she continues. "The cycle of the moon symbolises the birth of a project or an idea when the moon is new, then its growth until the full moon.

"The time of the full moon is a period of completion, and then there is a lull for the project or the idea to rest and gather supporters, sponsors or a premises, for example. When the new moon arrives again, a new phase begins."

But, at the time of the New Moon, the sun and the moon are in the same sign, whereas at the time of the Full Moon, the sun is in an opposite sign to the moon.

"This means that when the moon is brand new, and the sun and the moon are both in Gemini this June, life and love feels aligned, everything runs along the same lines - love life fits well around work life, your fitness schedule doesn't clash with your evenings out," Inbaal adds.

Very good to know.

OK, without further ado, let's get into the signs most affected by this specific June New Moon.

Gemini may feel way more 'at-home' in themselves. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Gemini may feel way more 'at-home' in themselves. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


Up first on the rundown is Gemini with Inbaal explaining: "Both the sun and the moon are in Gemini during the June New Moon, meaning that this sign will feel completely at ease.

"People around the office as well as the folks in your gym will be acting in a much more Gemini manner - chatting, exchanging phone numbers, setting dates for meet-ups."

So, naturally, if everyone else is being 'so much more Gemini' then you may end up feeling more at-home generally in life if you are one too.

There's a bunch of stuff set to take place in Cancer's home. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
There's a bunch of stuff set to take place in Cancer's home. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


Next is Cancer.

"Sensitive Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which means that all new moons and full moons impact Cancerians," Inbaal tells us.

"In the case of the Gemini New Moon, Cancerians will start to plan a new extension on the house, or dedicate an area for house parties."

Summer BBQ party pending?

According to the astrologist, the Cancer 'love of the home' mixed with the Gemini 'desire to socialise' will find a way to invite everyone to your kitchen, 'whether there's space or not'.

Leo will have 'lots of takers' this month. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Leo will have 'lots of takers' this month. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


Third on the list is Leo.

Inbaal says: "As the Sun is in Gemini, just like the Moon, then Leo, which is ruled by the Sun, will feel the effect of this New Moon too.

"Leos enjoy sticking their neck out, but during this New Moon, everyone else is being fearless, too, so Leo feels more seen and accepted."

And as for dating advice?

Inbaal assures: "When you look around for partners to start a new sports team which will compete locally, or arrange a fun trip to an antiques market, you usually end up doing it alone, or with other fearless Leos, but this New Moon you'll have lots of takers."

Sagittarius has been dubbed 'the polar opposite of Gemini'. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Sagittarius has been dubbed 'the polar opposite of Gemini'. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


And the last zodiac sign most affected by this week's New Moon is Sagittarius.

Dubbed 'the polar opposite of Gemini', Inbaal explains that the cycle which begins with Gemini jumping into new projects, will end up with Sagittarius taking the idea on the road.

"For example, this New Moon might call on you to start a community project, planting a city garden for the local kids to enjoy - your Sagittarian adventurousness and love of the outdoors leading the way," she suggests.

"You'll be the one to contact the local authority, come up with a name for the project, and turn up on the first morning with a hoe and a bag of seeds."

Featured Image Credit: StGrafix/Getty Images/sarayut Thaneerat/Getty Images

Topics: Life, Astrology, Space, UK News, Sex and Relationships