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Woman reveals how she found out her husband had been using Ashley Madison

Woman reveals how she found out her husband had been using Ashley Madison

Her suspicions first arose when her husband started accusing her of cheating on him

Heads have been rolling ever since Netflix dropped their three-part documentary about the clandestine dating website, Ashley Madison, exclusively for people who wanted to cheat on their spouses.

Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal has taken social media by storm - infuriating some and upsetting others.

In 2015, Ashley Madison suffered a catastrophic hack that saw the personal data of 32 million users released onto the internet - including names, addresses and credit card information.

The documentary follows the lives of popular Christian vloggers Sam and Nia Rader and the way their marriage was affected when it emerged Sam had been a user of the website.

It also hears from a widow, Christi Gibson, whose husband John took his own life after he was identified in the leak.

Since the documentary landed, it's sparked a resurgence in people telling their own stories on how their lives were affected by the website with the tagline: 'Life is short. Have an affair'.

Despite the monumental security failure and the devastation of lives, Ashley Madison is still up and running today.

Ashley Madison is a website that married people use for affairs. (Getty Stock Image)
Ashley Madison is a website that married people use for affairs. (Getty Stock Image)

One anonymous woman, aged 31, has shared her experience on Reddit.

She wrote: "My husband (31) has gotten really crazy about my phone lately, like asking why I put my phone face down and then blaming me for cheating.

"Well I decided to check his phone cause it really has felt like he was projecting and saw just an ad email from Ashley Madison and thought it was suss but kinda wrote it off.

"Well last night I created an account on Ashley Madison because the thought has just been in the back of my mind and I can’t shake the feeling something is up and I found what I’m 100% sure is his account.

"It’s a variation of his name it also has the town we live in along with his exact stats.

"His caption reads 'looking for meaningful sex' which is also something he’s talked about a lot recently. He’s been home a lot and I WFH and he's been asking for sex while I work, and I always say 'it has to be quick'. He's gotten mad on several occasions stating that he wishes we had more meaningful sex.

"I have to somehow without a doubt prove this is him."

The writer then followed with an update: "He passed out drunk on the couch so i took his phone and did a password reset from Ashley Madison. It’s him.

"I confronted him on it. We are going to do counseling. If we didn’t have kids I’d be out."

The post, which has gone viral, amassed many responses.

One person wrote: "My husband cheated on AM, god I hate that site. I wish you the best."

Another said: "I wish there were some way of having a class action suit by betrayeds against this vile Ashley Madison for assisting in alienation of affections. Their destruction of marriage should have a cost."

A third simply said: "Divorce him."

Featured Image Credit: Netflix/Peter Cade/Getty Images

Topics: Documentaries, Reddit, Sex and Relationships, Wedding