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Psychic who 'accurately predicted Covid' shares what's coming in 2024

Psychic who 'accurately predicted Covid' shares what's coming in 2024

He's forecast a whole lot of stuff for the New Year

A psychic who claims he 'accurately predicted Covid' has just shared what he reckons is coming in 2024.

Nicolas Aujula, 37, has weighed in on what he thinks the New Year will bring from celebrity drama to political scandals and just about everything in between.

The Hollywood astrologer, who has regular visions and dreams with images of the future, also suspects it's going to be a tumultuous year for the royal family after forecasting 'heartache' for Meghan Markle amid a new 'royal scandal'.

Celebrity psychic, Nicolas Aujula, has shared his predictions for 2024.

Nicolas declares he 'accurately predicted' a handful of key events that have stood out in previous years including 'Covid, the Black Lives Matter movement and Harry and Meghan's Oprah interview'.

He claims his 'inner voice' and visions have allowed him to see that there could be a 'royal voice recording leak' next year.

And the Royals drama doesn't stop there.

The celebrity psychic has also forecast that the Duchess of Sussex will 'have an element of heartache' but 'not with Prince Harry', as per PA Real Life.

In regards to politics, the south London-hailing psychic has also predicted a pretty big change in career for one highly controversial political figure.

The psychic reckons it'll be a good year for Posh Spice.
Karwai Tang / Contributor / Getty Images

"I see rising power for Donald Trump. I feel like he might even have a new career and it'll be in something major, or he could become the next president," Nicolas explained. "I do think that his personal life is not going to be the greatest."

The psychic also expects a notable rise in far-right beliefs, claiming: "I think extreme, far-right politics will make a dark comeback and people will begin to lose their humanity.

"I feel there is going to be a part of society where there will be a rise in far-right leaders. This is going to become a much bigger trend, not only in 2024, but as we go into the coming few years, that's something really to look out for."

And as for what goes down in Buckingham Palace, Nicolas reckons there's a scandal brewing on the horizon.

He continued: "I think Meghan Markle will have an element of heartache, not with Harry, but with someone else close to her.

"I do feel with the Royal Family that there's going to be a royal voice recording leak."

Nicolas forecasts 'heartache' for Meghan Markle.
Robin L Marshall / Stringer / Getty Images

Bad news regarding the cost of living crisis too, as the British psychic has also predicted an economic decline, which, admittedly, isn't the boldest prediction we've ever heard.

"I think oil prices will be rising more and the dollar will continue to weaken more as time goes on, inflicting an even higher cost of living. I also think sadly, there will be either food shortages or crop failures," he added.

Moving away from the heavier predictions of what's allegedly to come next year, Nicolas has predicted many female celebs will be in for a treat in 2024, saying: "I feel for Cheryl Tweedy it's going to be a really good year, we're going to see her really expand and really kind of put herself out there."

He added: "I think Victoria Beckham will be focusing on her health and wellbeing and she will go on to be even more successful.

"I think Kim Kardashian will do something with literature - I think she might write a book, or be the face of a workshop, and people will see her as less of an air-headed celebrity and more of a woman with intelligence."

According to the south London astrologer, we'll see a whole more AI in 2024.
Andriy Onufriyenko / Getty Images

Nicolas also forecasts some major technological progress - namely around Artificial Intelligence.

He went on: "I've had very futuristic visions, specifically about robots stacking shelves. I think it'll be trialled in supermarkets and they'll be working 24/7 and replace some jobs which will be hard amid the cost-of-living crisis.

The astrologist added: "Within the banking system, there'll be a cyber attack or information leaks, all of a sudden, like there's going to be people whose banking details are going to be leaked publicly. And I feel like banks are going to be held accountable or will be sued."

Opening up about his 'psychic abilities', Nicolas explained: "My predictions come from dreams - as my mind is so lucid - visions and feelings.

"Sometimes it can be a case of hearing sounds, it's like an inner voice."

He claims he had his very first 'mystical experience' as just a teenager when he found himself 'falling into a deep trance' and remembering some of his 'past lives'.

"It was strange because I just knew inside that the images that I was seeing were of me but from a previous life - I had an image of an Egyptian queen. I also had an image of being in the French Revolution," he added.

And as for the sceptics and critics out there, Nicolas explained: "Some people criticise me if I've got other things wrong, but my predictions aren't always chronological.

"I know that my psychic ability does exist, I've witnessed it myself, and so have others."

Well, I guess we'll have to just wait and see what the future holds.

Featured Image Credit: Collect/PA Real Life / Pexels

Topics: Life, News, UK News, Royal Family, Meghan Markle, Politics, Cost of Living, Celebrity, Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian