There are heaps of things even us adults sometimes need a little clarification on and, when it comes to laundry, many of us are totally none the wiser.
So, supplying us with some pearls of wisdom, one woman has explained the key difference between bio and non-bio washing powder and people are genuinely thankful.
The information has since shocked the internet, admitting they 'never knew' there was such a difference. Check it out:
Sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming walking down the cleaning aisle and being bombarded with what seems like a million different products.
So, to help everyone out just a tad, this user shared to her 80.1k followers on TikTok the vital information many of us were clearly missing in our lives.
The woman started the short clip asking: "Do you know the difference between Non-Bio and Bio washing up powder?"

According to the woman, whose entire page is dedicated to sharing 'fun facts', Bio detergent 'contains enzymes that help to break down common stains such as food'.
However, Non Bio detergent 'do not have these enzymes'.
So, she continues, if you're prone to sensitive skin or have certain skin issues like 'eczema' or 'psoriasis' - then Non Bio is the option for you.
Additionally, if you have 'young children', the Non Bio stuff is said to be your best bet.

The 20-second tell-all has since been viewed over 353k times, with heaps of people eager to share their reactions to the explanation.
One thankful TikTok user wrote: "The universe sent me this TikTok.
"In my head," they admitted, "I thought it was non biodegradable... outside my head [was] zero effort to research."
"Learnt something new," a second revealed.
A third admitted: "I never knew why they were different but [I] always buy Non Bio for some reason."
Us too, girl, us too.

Another offered their own alternative differentiation between the two powders: "Itchy vs non itchy," to which the creator replied with a laughing emoji, writing 'so true'.
Confirming the TikTok creator's reasoning, a fifth added: "My eczema is the reason I know."
Another echoed: "I learnt the difference because eczema.
"I’ve found loads of people without sensitive skin have no clue though."
One however, was clearly more baffled by the prices of the various different boxes of laundry detergent powder.
They noted: "Wow washing powder is expensive now."
So, there you have it - use Non Bio for sensitive skin and Bio for extra tough stains.