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**Video content warning: Features the f-word (Shocking, we know).**

A shop owner has taken to social media to reveal what happened when a customer came in and asked for a display mug to be taken down.

Kelsey Elizabeth - a small business owner in California - runs a boutique for women. Imagine somewhere where you can buy the perfect last minute gift for your bestie and end up falling in love with everything and wanting to buy the whole store.

Now, I don't agree with the term 'snowflake' and I'm aware there are a lot of Debbie Downers in the world, but berating a shop to remove a tongue-in-cheek mug from sight? Come on now.

A shop owner has spoken out after a woman complained about a display mug.
TikTok/ @kelhazen

Kelsey took to her TikTok account - @kelhazen - to explain how the drama went down.

The small business owner recalls: "A woman just came in and approached one of my employees and asked to switch out one of our mugs in the front window because she didn't like what it said.

"She didn't like the word on the mug and so she wanted us to swap it out.

"So I overheard the conversation and decided to step in and let her know we're not a children's boutique, we are an adult women's boutique, so that's not really our problem."

The customer asked for the mug to be switched out.
TikTok/ @kelhazen

According to Kelsey, the customer's 'whole problem' was that the store is located on a main street so 'a lot of families walk by with children'.

"She was wondering what we do when kids read the word and want to know what it means," the shop owner continues.

"I turned to her and said, 'I think that's a parent issue. We're not a school, we're not a daycare, we're not a children's store either. We're a women's boutique'."

However, the customer still wasn't satisfied.

The scandalous mug.
TikTok/ @kelhazen

Kelsey told the customer the store wouldn't be switching the mug out and if she didn't like it she should 'keep moving on'.

"To which she replied she would no longer be supporting our business."

Thankfully for Kelsey, it's not much of a loss, with hordes of TikTokers flooding to the comments on the post in support of the shop and asking where they can buy the mug.

One said: "Well now I think we would all like to support you. Do you ship? & can you get more 'offensive' mugs in stock? Where are you located. Thanks!!"

The customer said they'd no longer support the business.
TikTok/ @kelhazen

A second wrote: "You can’t shelter children from the literal world, does she think they’re never gonna hear that word in their lives or something."

"My toxic trait would allow me to change the entire window display with the same mugs," another joked.

A fourth added: "Here’s a script. Your child: *gasp* that’s a bad word! You: Yep, it’s for grown ups not for you. Keep walking. End scene."

And a final resolved: "I'll be honest, my children don't even have the attention span of a gnat to be able to finish reading it."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@kelhazen

Topics: Social media, TikTok, Real Life, Life