The mum who accidentally flashed her daughter's school when she decked it running on sports day has reflected on the moment a year on.
Katie Hannaford was left flat on her face when she took a tumble during a sports day event last year (15 June 2022), and went viral when she accidentally mooned teachers, parents and students.
Katie has since opened up about what the school run has been like since she became an internet sensation, and revealed whether or not she will participate in this year's event.
Katie told LADbible a little more about that fateful day last June, when she had the mishap of all mishaps and bared her behind for the whole internet to see.
Recalling the momentous occasion, Katie said: "My oldest daughter was watching sports day with myself and some other school mum friends.
"The staff mentioned a parents race over the tannoy and Tegan, my oldest, said 'Go on mum, you always did it for me'."
She continued: "Once they asked for parents to join in, my youngest Beau across the field was saying, 'Come on mum do it'."
And the rest was, quite literally, history.

"Another mum and I agreed to join in," Katie revealed. "I was dreading it but thought 'Oh, it’s a bit of fun, why not?'"
Who would have thought that what followed would go on to become a viral sensation overnight.
After finding out that the footage had made it online and become a viral hit, Katie was left in 'utter shock'.
Katie said: "I couldn’t believe it.
"I shared the video on a parenting group to give other parents a laugh as it really could have happened to anyone and we all need a good laugh sometimes.
"From there, it was re-shared thousands of times and I couldn’t believe my eyes when all these notifications were coming through, but each time it just made me laugh."
How did Katie's daughter react to the hilarious moment?
According to Katie: "She thought it was funny.
"She said everyone was talking about it at school, but it was good fun."

Katie's daughter has definitely taken after her when it comes to having a sense of humour.
After the viral moment, Katie said she received a lot of feedback from parents on the school run: "When it first happened, I had so many parents come and say 'Well done, good on ya, you’re a good sport' etc."
With her daughter now at a new school, Katie's internet fame isn't a known thing among the other parents.
Which raises the question, is she willing to step out on the field next sports day and repeat history?
Despite all the laughs it generated the first time around, the answer is a resounding no.
Katie explained: "No, I haven’t and I’ve promised my girls I’ll never do another 'parents race' ever again.
"Absolutely not, as much as it was good fun I think my running days are over!"
"There was a parents dance recently at my daughter's dance competition. They announced it, the girls looked at me and said 'No, mum'.
"I agreed to give it a miss!"
Topics: Parenting, Social media