Deciding whether or not to have children is a conversation many couples will have at some point.
Things can become complicated however when one partner is less enthusiastic about the prospect of raising a family than the other.
One woman in Australia appears to be married to such a man and it's causing issues in their marriage.
The anonymous woman, who is a mother of one, is desperate to have another child - but her hubby isn't nearly as keen on the idea.
Whenever the subject of another child is raised, the woman's husband reportedly gets angry and shoots down the suggestion, urging his wife to consider getting another dog instead.

Seeking advice from writer and mum of three Laura Mazza, the unknown woman wrote: "He doesn't truly understand how much another baby would mean to me, and refuses to entertain it."
The woman's husband apparently gets so frustrated by his wife's broodiness that he has suggested another child would 'end their relationship'.
"Last year, he asked me to give him until 2022 to bring up the topic again. I waited. We are nearly midway through 2022 and the topic still makes him angry. I tried to let go of the notion of having another child, but my heart bleeds at the thought and I find myself becoming very blue," she said.
According to the woman, her husband has experienced depression after the birth of their first child, suggesting this may play a part in his reluctance to become a dad again.
In response, Mazza wrote: "Practicing empathy and putting your feet in your husband's shoes will help you get to the deepest concerns he has without him shutting down."

This anonymous woman is no doubt the only person to come across this challenge.
Marriage therapist Amber Trueblood has also given her advice to couples who are trying to come to an agreement over their family planning.
Trueblood said: "Parenthood is hard on a marriage, and for some partners, the idea of doing everything all over again isn't exciting - it's terrifying.
"Perhaps one partner feels financial pressure or fears passing on a genetic anomaly, rendering them incapable of imagining the benefits of having another child.
"Or one partner fears raising their only child without siblings because of their own very special sibling relationships, rendering them incapable of imagining raising an only child in a happy and complete way."
In recent years, there have been an increasing number of ways in which people become parents.
Many opt to adopt, while others go down the surrogacy route to become parents.
Paris Hilton has been open about her experiences using a surrogate to have her son, Phoenix Barron Hilton, who was born in January.
Reflecting on meeting her husband Carter, Paris said: "It's always been my dream to be a mother and I'm so happy that Carter and I found each other.
"We are so excited to start our family together and our hearts are exploding with love for our baby boy."