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Woman hits out at 9-to-5 job after changing careers

Woman hits out at 9-to-5 job after changing careers

One TikTok user is finding it rather difficult to complete all of her daily tasks now she has a very fixed schedule

The 9-5 life isn't for everyone, let's be honest.

Working eight hours per day, five days a week can really take a toll on those who are used to adjusting their working life to fitting their busy schedules or out of hours commitments.

And while some may argue that a 9-5 is much more favourable than someone working different days or alternating shift patterns over a shared rota, the truth is that it can still be hard if you have a pretty chaotic lifestyle or inconsistent schedule behind the scenes.

And that reality is the case for one particular employee, who is struggling to get to grips with her brand new morning start, early evening-finish position.

The TikTok user, who goes by the name of Julia, recently switched from working in the service industry where she would have random days off in the week here and there.

However, she recently moved into a job that is a 9-to-5, and she is finding it rather difficult to complete all of her daily tasks now she has a very fixed schedule.

Julia explained her predicament in a now viral TikTok.

In a TikTok that has over 360,000 views, Julia questioned how those who work a 9-to-5 get anything done.

She explained: "I don’t get how people with 9-to-5’s get literally anything done.

"Going from the service industry where I would have Monday off, Wednesday off, random days.

"I could go to the bank and get my car checked."

But, due to her new job, Julia is struggling to find time in the day to get these tasks done.

She continued: "My check engine light is on right now, and I also need to go to the bank to get a check for rent.

"But I can’t do either of those things because the places are only open 9-to-5 and I have to be at my office [from] 9-to-5."

"I just don’t get it," Julia concluded. "How do you get things done?"

Julia is already sick of her 9-5.
Firmbee from Pixabay

And many have flocked to the comment section of the post to answer her query.

One person wrote: "Nothing gets done. Nothing. Weekends are spent recovering and nothing gets done."

A second commented: "You have to sacrifice sleep, and a lot of it. Especially work 2nd and 3rd."

Others reported similar problems, with a lot of people saying that they often use their lunch break to run any quick errands.

A third commenter said: "A lot of 9-5 places are ok with people leave early/getting there late for an appt or doing it during lunch."

Meanwhile, a fourth remarked: "I have to do my errands on the weekends and it’s so stressful!

"The roads and stores are so busy I miss getting groceries on weekday mornings."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jewliag

Topics: Life, Real Life, TikTok, Jobs