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People Are Using Shaving Foam To Clean Their Sofas

People Are Using Shaving Foam To Clean Their Sofas

Would you dare try it?

There's nothing worse than a huge stain on your sofa - especially when you've already flipped the cushion over once before.

Cleaning couch covers can often be tricky, but now, people have come up with a new way of removing stains on their sofas - but you'll have to be rather brave!

Yep, social media users are swearing by a technique which involves slathering shaving foam all over your sofa cushions.

So how do you do it?

Well, most people who have tried the trick advise using a white shaving foam, which they rub into the sofa and leave for around 20 minutes to half an hour.

They then used a warm cloth to wipe away the shaving foam, before leaving to air dry overnight.

Of course, it's important to note that all sofas are made from different materials, so it's absolutely crucial you research whether the method is suitable for your couch or seek expert advice if you are planning on using the hack.

As one woman pointed out: "I would recommend you try it on a part of the sofa that won’t be seen first, before you go all in. I don’t know what fabric types it does or doesn’t work on, you would need to do a patch test."

It's also important to always check the manufacturer's instructions and advice on cleaning your sofa, to ensure you don't accidentally remove the fabric's flame retardant.

One person was mega impressed (
Lisa Jayne)

One woman told Tyla she was "super impressed" with the cleaning trick, after slathering her sofa in shaving foam and leaving for 20 minutes.

"The difference in my sofa is great... The shaving foam method defo worked here it’s got all the marks and stains out too."

Meanwhile another used the hack to clean the seat of her tractor.

"The shaving foam cleaning tip even works on filthy plush tractor seats," she said.

And another added: "I've spent nearly 7 hours cleaning my couch and chair with a carpet cleaner for hours. There's got to be 1000 buttons on it... It worked unbelievable."

While a fourth said: "I am so impressed... Thank you for the shaving foam recommendation!!"

And a fifth commented: "Did the shaving foam trick on my couch today, my couch was a midden having a toddler. I didn’t get any before photos because I was too excited to try it but i’m amazed at how well it has turned out. Going to do my car interior tomorrow using this trick. If you haven’t already tried, I 100% recommend you do. I used Aldi Shaving Foam."

One woman used it to clean a tractor seat (
Lucy Howes)

So how does it work? Tyla spoke to MyJobQuote’s cleaning expert Sarah Dempsey, who explained: "Shaving cream works as a great cleaner due to its ingredients. Most shaving foams are free from particularly acidic acids or chemicals, which are more likely to stain upholstery. Shaving foam contains stearic acid, one of the main ingredients in soap-making, and triethanolamine, a surface-acting agent, which both work together to attract then remove dirt and grease.

"As both of these chemicals are dermatologically tested and therefore safe for the skin, then they act as a more natural upholstery cleaner than perhaps a normal upholstery cleaner.

"To use shaving foam to clean your sofa, make sure the sofa is dry before starting. Then apply shaving foam either on specific stains, or all over for a general clean, and gentle work this in with a sponge or cloth.

"Leave for at least 20 minutes, although I would recommend leaving more time for bigger stains, and then wipe away. For tougher stains, you may need to repeat to see better results."

Sarah explained it's important not to use a gel-based shaving cream.

"Using a gel won’t provide the same results. I would also recommend doing a patch test before, just to ensure the shaving foam doesn’t leave a mark – although if you use a white foam then it shouldn’t, it is always best to check before you coat your sofa!" Sarah continues.

"Using shaving foam can work on many fabrics, from suede to carpets and even stainless steel appliances! However, be wary of using this as an all-in-one cleaner for more delicate fabrics, especially silk."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/leahstewart790/zaradyer288

Topics: Home, Cleaning