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Mum defends boyfriend who watched football while she was in labour

Mum defends boyfriend who watched football while she was in labour

They'd previously joked about that exact situation

A mum-of-one has defended her boyfriend after he was hit with backlash for watching football while she was in labour.

Admittedly the process of bringing a child into the world isn't the most pleasant thing to watch, but it's generally considered nice to be present when your own offspring is about to make their first appearance.

Still, mum Amber regularly joked with her boyfriend about him being distracted during the miracle of birth, as she shared a video revealing that she had 'joked about going into labour while his football team were playing'.

Unfortunately, Amber apparently accidentally manifested this scenario, as she revealed that's exactly what happened.

In a video filmed from her bed in hospital, the mum-to-be could be seen turning the camera around to reveal her partner watching Liverpool play on a tablet. At one point he even took a hit of her gas and air - so it must have been a stressful time.

Amber and her boyfriend joked about him watching football.

"I actually did [go into labour] so this was our setup," Amber explained.

Though Amber seemed light-hearted about the whole thing, her boyfriend became the subject of criticism from some viewers who weren't on board with how he decided to pass the time.

"THIS is my worst nightmare," one viewer wrote, while another commented: "i would never do this to my wife bringing me a child."

A third wrote: "if my man did this i’d be a single mother."

Though we'll never be able to stop critics from piping up, Amber soon shared another video to defend her boyfriend and insist he offered everything she could have asked for during birth.

"My bf comforted me and made sure it was intimate and a loving environment," she wrote, adding "All women deserve that."

Amber offered more insight into her birth as she shared another video with her baby, with a caption which read: "Mummy how did daddy treat you during labour?"

Amber defended her boyfriend after he faced criticism.

Alongside the post, Amber wrote: "He always said you best not go into labour when liverpool are playing [laughing face] but look what happen [sic]. Don't worry he did stop watching it guys when i was screaming."

Though Amber was forced to stick up for her partner, many viewers took his side as they pointed out that labour can be a very long process, so it's good to stay entertained while you can.

"Some of these comments," one supportive viewer began. "My partner was the same, labour can be lonnggg & a waiting game! I have an amazing partner and he’s such a good dad too."

At least the father wouldn't have been the only one crying if his team lost just as his baby arrived into the world!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@amber_louisetilley

Topics: Parenting, TikTok

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