A delighted couple are celebrating their 'miracle' baby after a decade of trying and four miscarriages in the process.
Last month, Vikki Thomson, 39, and partner Martin Roxburgh, 50, welcomed son Bobby George Roxburgh.
The couple described him as their 'wee miracle' after he entered the world 11 days early on 12 December weighing 7lb 1oz.
The couple had nearly lost hope after eight years of trying before Vikki found out she was pregnant with Bobby.
It certainly wasn't all plain sailing for the couple with Bobby though, as careers advisor Nikki was taken in for a C-section early following complications.

Medics even feared that Bobby might only weight 4lbs, but those fears were quashed once he was born.
Speaking after his birth, mum Vikki revealed that there is a funny story to how her son was named Bobby.
Vikki, who is also the mum to 10-year-old Maizy, said: "We are all enjoying having him around.
"Maizy is loving it.
"She’s a great help and she loves him to bits.
"She was one of the first visitors in to see him after he was born and she helped pick his name.
"She used to call my bump BOB – Baby on Board – when I was pregnant and when we found out we were having a boy it became Boy on Board.
"We didn’t want to call a wee baby Bob, but that’s how we came up with the name Bobby.
"It’s special because Maizy helped pick it."
As you'd expect, Vikki's pregnancy was full of worry following the four miscarriages she previously had.
When she couldn't feel Bobby kicking, she understandably thought the worst.
But the lack of movement was because of where her placenta was, so she had to go for hospital check-ups twice a week.

Vikki said: “I had my daughter 10 years ago with my previous partner.
"Martin and I had been trying to get pregnant for eight years.
“We have lost four babies.
“IVF wasn’t going to be a good option for us as our chances of it working were low.
"We didn’t think it was going to happen and had stopped trying, but then I found out I was pregnant with Bobby."
She continued: "He is a wee miracle.
"Because I’ve had the four miscarriages, my pregnancy was full of anxiety and worries.
“It was a really worrying time.
"My placenta was at the front so I couldn’t feel him kicking, so we were up at the hospital twice a week being checked.
“I didn’t want to get excited in case anything happened and I didn’t believe until he arrived that he was coming.
“Bobby was measuring very small and there were a few complications when I was pregnant so I got taken in early for a C-section.
"They thought we would have been 4lb or 5lb at the most when he was born, but he was 7lb 1oz and was absolutely perfect.”
Topics: Parenting