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Cleaning expert shares hack to remove yellow stains from pillows for just 4p

Cleaning expert shares hack to remove yellow stains from pillows for just 4p

People swear by this incredibly cheap hack which is said to remove stains from pillows.

A cleaning expert has shared a way to get rid of the unsightly yellow stains you often find on pillows.

Whenever you change your bedsheets, you may find a shocking yellow stain on your white pillows underneath the pillowcase and you’re not alone.

The stifling heat as a result of the hot weather makes you sweat and leads to your pillow soaking it up like a sponge, leaving behind the familiar yellow stains.

There are bunch of reasons why your pillow will turn yellow, mostly including sweat, wet hair, some skincare products and even drool.

There's a way to clean your yellow stained pillows.
Evelien DOosje / Alamy Stock Photo

It’s basically all to do with different types of bodily moisture that accumulate.

Fear not, because there may be a solution that could only set you back a couple of pennies.

One Facebook user took to the a Facebook page dedicated to sharing cleaning tips. She asked: “Hi, how does everyone remove yellow stains from their pillows, mine is covered in them.

“I’ve tried using baking soda and white vinegar but the stains are still there. What else can I try?”

It’s important to try and clean the first time you see yellow on your pillow but if you’re unable to, there’s a solution.

There were lots of answers to the query and they all mentioned the same household product.

Yellow stains can be caused by sweat.

Several Facebook users mentioned dishwasher tablets were a fantastic solution for cleaning yellow pillow stains.

One person replied: “I always use a dishwasher tablet to wash my pillows and any white laundry. My whites and pillows have never looked so white.”

While another cleaning expert replied: “Use a dishwasher tablet in your washing machine. It's a no-effort hack to get all the stains off in just one wash cycle.”

A third person advised: “Add a dishwasher tablet to your washing machine when cleaning your pillow with nothing else and it'll come out gleaming.”

A fourth commenter shared: “Nothing has given me better results when washing my pillow than a dishwasher tablet has.”

The hack works out to be incredibly cheap, as a pack of 30 dishwasher tablets can be bought from Asda for only £1.34, which works out to 4p per tablet.

Many people might already gave the mystery item in their homes.

You can also buy a pack of 30 Sainsbury’s brand dishwasher tablets for only £3.00, which works out to only 10p per tablet.

Meanwhile, Tesco shoppers can buy all-in-one dishwasher tablets can be purchased for £3.90, meaning customers will only have to part ways with 9p to clean their stained pillows.

Although many shoppers might already have dishwasher tablets in their homes.

Speaking to Ideal Home, an expert recommended always following the manufacturer's advice.

“We’d advise that people follow the manufacturer instructions on how to clean the machine as these differ with each model and type,” she said. “Many now even have their own cleaning programme to do so.”

Featured Image Credit: Evelien DOosje / Alamy Stock Photo / Pexels