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Woman's Genius Hack 'Revives' Stale Bread In Minutes

Woman's Genius Hack 'Revives' Stale Bread In Minutes

We have got to try this!

A woman has shared a genius way to 'revive' stale bread - and it couldn't be easier.

Watch the video below:

Food vlogger and school teacher Katie Lolas, from Sydney, Australia, shared her quick and simple tip for stale bread.

We all know the disappointed feeling after realising that a tasty loaf we have stored in the kitchen has become stale.

Thankfully, Katie has reminded all the budding chefs and foodies out there that there is a way to make them delicious and edible once again.

Sharing the video with her 163,000 followers on Instagram, Katie wrote: "I’m talking other than using it for breadcrumbs, French toast or freezing it. Yes. You. Can."

Just in case you were wondering, she also clarified that mouldy bread is sadly beyond salvaging. "Throw it in your compost it and move on," she quipped.

Katie shared her hack on Instagram. (

"However. if you have bread that has just gotten a little dry and tough here’s what you need to try."

Instagram users were mind-blown by the hack. One person asked if the hack will would work if they had already used half of the loaf and Katie reassured them that it will.

Another question asked if this trick works on bread rolls, to which Katie replied: “Works for any type of bread.”

One woman jokingly called the hack: “Witchcraft!” 

Katie's Instagram followers love the hack. (

While someone else shared that they were familiar with the hack because their mum used to do it.

“It’s bloody good isn’t it,” Katie replied. “I learned from my mum too hahah.”

Another foodie who was familiar with the trick shared the other ways it has helped them in the kitchen. “Ooh!! I’ve done this with individual sourdough slices too,” they said. “And put some crushed garlic and cheese on them = perfect garlic bread.”

One Instagram user replied: “Now way!!”

A second person commented: “Great hack!”

While a third excited foodie added: “These hacks are making my week!!!!!”

We have to try this!

Featured Image Credit: @lady.lolas/Instagram

Topics: Food and Drink