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‘Creepy’ psychological thriller lands on Netflix as fans praise ‘twisted’ film with all-star cast

‘Creepy’ psychological thriller lands on Netflix as fans praise ‘twisted’ film with all-star cast

Anne Hathaway stars in the twisted thriller

There's a new twisted psychological thriller that's recently landed on Netflix, and viewers have branded it 'not for the faint-hearted'.

There's something slightly strange about how much we love a psychological thriller.

The creepiest of storylines can have us completely hooked, and there's a new one on Netflix for you to dive head first into.

Directed by Benoit Delhomme, the movie was released earlier this year and stars Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway in the lead roles.

The synopsis reads: "As friends, two neighbours share the joys and fears of motherhood.

"But when tragedy strikes, they learn these bonds are not only deep - but dangerous."

The thriller has been a hit with fans (Neon)
The thriller has been a hit with fans (Neon)

In the film, called Mothers' Instinct, housewives Alice (Chastain) and Céline (Hathaway) are inseparable, but it's not long until guilt, suspicion and paranoia start to creep in.

One star-studded review of the flick said: "A great psychological thriller; one of the best I've seen.

"Of course the fact that the two lead actresses: Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway are among the best in the industry helps.

"Mothers' Instinct has creepy moments without being gory.

"It is intelligent without being too convoluted."

The reviewer commented that critics were not overly complimentary about the watch, but it 'reminded' them why they generally didn't follow their cinematic opinions .

Despite Mothers' Instinct only having a 53 percent critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, many viewers have praised the movie.

A viewer stated it's not for the 'faint-hearted' (Neon)
A viewer stated it's not for the 'faint-hearted' (Neon)

One wrote: "Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway in Mothers’ Instinct are living in my mind rent free."

Another added: "This is a great psychological movie about two neighbours, who are more like sisters, are married to successful husbands, live an idyllic and privileged lifestyle and both have young sons of the same age.

"All seems fine in their lavish lives until a tragic accident occurs that changes the relationship and things for the two families forever.

"The twists and turns in this movie make for a wonderful and suspense filled sequence of events that lead up to an enthralling and twisted ending."

They added that despite being a great watch, it 'wasn't for the faint-hearted'.

And it could be the co-stars' off-screen relationship that helped them navigate this story so well.

Hathaway and Chasten reportedly became close friends after starring in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar ten years ago.

Talking to Glamour about working with a good pal, Chastain said: "It was amazing to work together on set because I really felt like I had someone I could trust.

"Making a film in 24 days is not an easy thing to do."

You can stream Mothers' Instinct on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Neon

Topics: Netflix, TV And Film