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Bridgerton fans are just realising special meaning behind Hyacinth's name

Bridgerton fans are just realising special meaning behind Hyacinth's name

The youngest of the Bridgerton clan's name has a special and sentimental meaning

As the third season of the popular Netflix series has aired, we've had a lot more quality time with our favourite Bridgerton family.

Yet, fans are only just realising the special meaning behind Hyacinth's name.

The youngest Bridgerton sibling - played by Florence Hunt - is named after the pale blue and violet flower - but it wasn't until Season 2 that it was revealed her name had a very special meaning and many viewers might have missed it.

You can watch it below:

Whilst Hyacinth is more of a secondary character in the third season, and mainly seen alongside older sisters Eloise and Francesca as they head out into The Ton.

In the second season we saw more about Hyacinth's birth and the sad story about how father Edmund Bridgerton sadly died.

In season two, a flashback shows how Edmund is stung by a bee and appears to have a severe allergic reaction. He collapses and dies, moments after his wife - pregnant Violet Bridgerton - emerges from the family home to be at his side.

But it's what Edmund was doing shortly before the bee sting that gives away his youngest daughter's name.

Just moments before, Edmund can be seen picking hyacinths to take inside to Violet.

The tragic death of Edmund Bridgerton gives the clue behind Hyacinth's name. (Netflix)
The tragic death of Edmund Bridgerton gives the clue behind Hyacinth's name. (Netflix)

"She would adore those," he told eldest son Anthony, before picking the hyacinths.

Over on a Bridgerton fandom page, it's explained: "The hyacinth flower was the last flower Lord Edmund Bridgerton picked before he died."

And some fans are only just realising, with one tweeting: "Did anyone else recognise that hyacinth is named after the flowers edmund was picking when he died?"

While another said: "Crying while watching s2 ep3 of bridgerton because violet named her hyacinth because those were the last flowers edmund picked for her :(."

The third season sees Hyacinth alongside older sister Francesca and mother Violet. (Netflix)
The third season sees Hyacinth alongside older sister Francesca and mother Violet. (Netflix)

And a third added: "Just saw a comment that said that the flowers Edmund was picking up to give Violet before getting stung were hyacinths. So his last gift to Violet was supposed to be hyacinths but it was Hyacinth (the daughter) and now I'm not okay."

Sadly Hyacinth never met her father, as she was born after his death which viewers also see in the second season. Yet eldest brother Anthony regularly dotes on his youngest sibling, and has a secret soft spot for her.

You can watch the first three seasons of Bridgerton on Netflix now, with the second half of season three available from June 13.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, Bridgerton, TV And Film